I enjoy macro photography and vintage gear. For the vintage stuff, unless they are Nikon F-mount, I adapt them to mirrorless. Though I have started to shoot some film.
Best Canon 6D Mark II Memory Cards. The Canon 6D Mark II uses SDXC, SDHC, and SD memory cards.
In order to get the most performance out of your camera, make sure to use a card with UHS-I. Cards that can be used with the 6D mkII include any SD card with a capacity of up to 2TB. Bear in mind that SD cards without UHS-I will be slower, which may negatively impact the camera's capabilities. Just want a compatible card? Here's my recommendation for the best memory card: Best SD Cards SanDisk, Lexar, and PNY are manufacturers that produce high-quality Memory cards. That does not mean you need to purchase a card from SanDisk for your Canon 6D Mark II. I have not run into errors with Lexar Professional or PNY Elite Performance cards. When I have experienced problems with cards has been when I have used cheap no-name brands. If you are looking to spend less, don't buy a generic card. Recommended SD Cards SanDisk 64GB Extreme PRO SDXC Card PNY Elite Performance 128 GB SDXC Card Lexar Professional 633X 64GB Card.
Best Canon 6D Memory Cards. The Canon 6D is compatible with SDHC, and SD memory cards.
The camera can't take advantage of a UHS-I card, but it will future proof you for a camera upgrade. SD cards that can be used with the 6D include any SD card with a capacity of up to 2TB. Keep in mind that older cards will be slower, which may reduce the camera's performance. Just want a compatible card? Here's my recommendation for the best memory card: Best Canon 90D Memory Cards. The Canon 90D uses SDXC, SDHC, and SD cards.
To get the best performance from your camera, use an SD card with UHS-II. Memory cards that can be used with the 90D include any SD card with a memory size of up to 2TB. A note of importance is that SD cards that do not have UHS-II will have slower transfer speeds, which can reduce the camera's capabilities. Best Canon 80D Memory Cards. The Canon 80D is compatible with SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards.
To get the most performance out of your camera, make sure to use a card with UHS-I. SD cards that are compatible with the 80D include any SD card with a capacity of up to 2TB. A note of importance is that cards without UHS-I will have slower transfer speeds, which can negatively impact the camera's performance. Just want a compatible card? Best Canon 77D Memory Cards. The Canon 77D uses SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards.
You will not gain any advantage from a UHS-I card, but it will be useable in a future camera upgrade. Cards that are compatible with the 77D include any SD card with a storage capacity of up to 2TB. Bear in mind that older SD and SDHC cards will have slower transfer speeds, which may reduce the camera's capabilities. Best Canon 70D Memory Cards. The Canon 70D uses SDXC, SDHC, and SD memory cards.
You will not gain any advantage from a UHS-I card, but it will be useable in a future camera upgrade. Cards that can be used with the 70D include any SD card that has a memory size of 2TB or less. Bear in mind that older SD and SDHC cards will have slower transfer speeds, which may negatively impact the camera's capabilities. Best Canon 60D Memory Cards. The Canon 60D can use SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards.
You will not gain any advantage from a UHS-I card, but it will be useable in a future camera upgrade. Memory cards that are compatible with the 60D include any SD card with a storage capacity of 2TB or less. A note of importance is that older SD and SDHC cards will be slower, which may negatively impact the camera's capabilities. Don't have the time for a long explanation of tech specs? Canon EOS 650 - The First EOS Camera. The Canon EOS 650 was the first camera released that used the Canon EF mount.
Canon sold the EOS 650 from 1987-1989, when it was replaced by the Canon EOS 600. Price & Where to Buy A Canon EOS 650 camera body can usually be found on eBay for less than $40. If a lens or lenses are included with the body, you'll have to pay more based on their value. Price will change over time. Where to Buy Film for Your Camera. There are still many place to buy film.
If you're lucky you might have a camera store near you with a large selection of film. If not, there are plenty of online stores where you can buy film. Online Stores Canada Vistek (Canada) What Film Does You Camera Use? If you are unsure of what film your camera uses, try looking up the model. 35mm Film Cartridges. Minolta Maxxum 5000i Dynax. The Minolta Maxxum 5000i is a second generation A-mount camera.
It was released in 1989 as a replacement for the Maxxum 5000. It was discontinued in 1992. The Nikon FM2 - A Mechanical Masterpiece. The Nikon FM2 is a fully mechanical 35mm film SLR produced by Nikon from 1982-2001. When released, it filled the middle of Nikon's camera lineup, behind the F3. Currently, the FM2 is an excellent value for a high quality 35mm film SLR. The ridiculously fast shutter shutter and flash sync speed as well as replaceable focus screens are not something you'll find on other affordable mechanical cameras. The introduction of autofocus SLR cameras starting in 1985 is what caused the production run of the FM2 to last so long. Autofocus viewfinder screens don't work well with manual focus lenses. Nikon D3200 Resources: Software, PDF Manual, & More. This resource page for the Nikon D3200 contains all the information you need to find support, PDF copies of the manuals, replacement batteries, lenses, compatible memory cards, and accessories.
The Nikon D3100 preceded the D3200, which was replaced by the Nikon D3300. Nikon D3200 Battery The D3200 uses a Nikon EN-EL14, which provides 7.4v and 1030 mAh of power. Nikon D3100 Resources: Software, PDF Manual, & More. This resource page for the Nikon D3100 contains all the information you need to find support, PDF copies of the manuals, replacement batteries, lenses, compatible memory cards, and accessories. The Nikon D3000 preceded the D3100, which was replaced by the Nikon D3200. Nikon D3100 Battery The D3100 uses a Nikon EN-EL14, which provides 7.4v and 1030 mAh of power. A Nikon MH-24 charger will be needed to charge the battery. OEM batteries can be expensive. Nikon D3000 Resources: Software, PDF Manual, & More. This resource page for the Nikon D3000 contains all the information you need to find support, PDF copies of the manuals, replacement batteries, lenses, compatible memory cards, and accessories.
The Nikon D3000 was the first camera model in the 3000 series. It was replaced by the Nikon D3100. Nikon D3000 Battery The D3000 uses a Nikon EN-EL9, which provides 7.2v and 1080 mAh of power. Nikon D3300 Resources: Software, PDF Manual, & More. This resource page for the Nikon D3300 contains all the information you need to find support, PDF copies of the manuals, replacement batteries, lenses, compatible memory cards, and accessories. The Nikon D3200 preceded the D3300, which was replaced by the Nikon D3400.
Nikon D3300 Battery The D3300 uses a Nikon EN-EL14, which provides 7.4v and 1030 mAh of power. A Nikon MH-24 charger will be needed to charge the battery. OEM batteries can be expensive. The Key Differences Explained - 120 vs 220 Film. 120 and 220 film are both medium format films that come on film spools. Until 2018, they were the last medium format films being sold. Beginner 35mm Camera Shootout: Canon AE-1 vs Pentax K1000. Which camera should you choose between two of the most commonly recommended cameras for analog photography beginners? End of the Line - The Nikon Bellows PB-6. Canon EOS Rebel XS Film Camera. Nimslo 3D Camera - Making 3D Gifs Possible. The Nimslo 3D camera is the original camera developed for lenticular printing from 35mm negative film.
It is no longer possible to get the prints made, but the cameras can now be used to create "3D" animated Gifs. Nimslo History. Nikon FG - 35mm Film SLR Camera. The Nikon FG was released in 1982 and manufactured until 1986. It builds upon the Nikon EM, with new features added, such as manual control over shutter speed. There where two different versions produced. Fujifilm Fujica AX-5 - Fuji's Top Model. Asahi Pentax Digital Spotmeter Overview. The Asahi Pentax Digital Spotmeter has remained a popular choice since Ansel Adams popularized them with his zone system.
He also use the previous analog meter, the Pentax Spotmeter V. OutsideTheShot. Nikon N65 Camera Review - Should This Be Your Next Camera? Best Beginner 35mm SLR in 2019? Pentax K1000 Review. Outdated when released, the Pentax K1000 is a manual focus 35mm film SLR. It was sold from 1976 until 1997! That's more than 20 years. The camera sold well because it was popular for beginner film photography students. Instead of fancy features, it is simple to use and durable.
M42 to Nikon F-Mount Adapter. Nikon F Mount Lens & Camera Compatibility. Fully Mechanical - Canon FT QL Camera Review. Popular Since Released - Canon AE-1 Camera Review. All the Settings You Need to Know to Adapted Lenses to the Sony A7. 5 of the Best Used DSLRs Under $100 (2019) Nikon BR Bellows & Macro Accessories.
1° From Ansel Adams, a Pentax Spotmeter V Review. An Affordable Option - Minolta Spotmeter F Review. Konica Minolta Auto Meter VF Review (Kenko KFM-1100) Macro Bellows vs Extension Tubes - Which is Best. A List of All the Nikon Camera Bellows. Inexpensive Motorized Focus Stacking Rail - WeMacro Rail Review. End of the Line - The Nikon Bellows PB-6. Inexpensive Motorized Focus Stacking Rail - WeMacro Rail Review. End of the Line - The Nikon Bellows PB-6. It Has Tilt/Shift! Nikon PB-4 Bellows Review. Canon EOS Rebel / Rebel S 35mm Film SLR. OTS. Instapaper. Nikon D70 - Everything You Need to Know.
Canon EOS Rebel G Review - What a Deal in 2019! Outsidetheshot. Nathaniel Stephan on Pocket. Outside the Shot. Outside the Shot. Outside the Shot. Vintage Lenses, Macro Photograhy & Open Source - Outside The Shot.