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Turning the Wheel

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Yule (Winter Solstice)

Imboloc. Ostara (Vernal Equinox) Beltane. Solstice Wheel. Wheel of the Year. From Reclaiming Quarterly Probably created in the 1800s by folklorists, the modern Pagan Wheel of the Year honors the ancient seasonal rituals of many cultures, weaving them into a cycle of eight evenly-spaced sabbats.

Wheel of the Year

Here we call the seasonal quarters by their universal names, "Solstice" and "Equinox," to honor them as special days of the Earth Herself, and not any one culture. This page and many Reclaiming groups call the cross-quarterly sabbats by Neo-Celtic names. Samhain - WE RESIST HOLLOW'S EVE. This post will take me a moment since there is a limit to what can be publish initially, however the comments have no limits so I will post everything as a comment.


We will tell you this. This Hollow's Eve will be like no other, as many get ready to play demon today many will fuse with those demons,incubuses and succubuses and it will be irreversible.

Litha Midsummer (Summer Solstice)

Lammas (Lughnassadh) Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) Samhain.