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Content Curator

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Content Discovery Tools by Robin Good. Content Discovery Tools by Robin Good. What Makes A Great Curator Great? How To Distinguish High-Value Curation From Generic Republishing. Today content curation is "sold", promoted and marketed as the latest and trendiest approach to content production, SEO visibility, reputation and traffic building.

What Makes A Great Curator Great? How To Distinguish High-Value Curation From Generic Republishing

But is it really so? Is it really true that by aggregating many content sources and picking and republishing those news and stories that you deem great is really going to benefit you and your readers in the long run? Is the road to easy and effortless publishing via curation tools a true value creation business strategy, or just a risky fad? How can one tell? Summary of Your Social News Feeds. - Se un editor. Thierry Roget (ThierryRoget. Recommendations.  Thoughts on influence, content strategy, and user experience. Instapaper: Guardar páginas web interesantes para su posterior lectura. A Free Web & Mobile App for Reading Comfortably. Herramientas para crear y organizar contenido en Redes Sociales. Crear contenido para redes sociales, moderar comunidades y analizar resultados puede ser un camino cuesta arriba si no se utilizan las herramientas apropiadas.

Herramientas para crear y organizar contenido en Redes Sociales

Tener una mochila con todo lo necesario para la gestión te permitirá viajar de red social en red social sin perderte en el camino. En este capítulo podrás encontrar una recopilación de herramientas básicas que permiten a un Community Manager realizar su trabajo diario de forma optimizada y poder realizar seguimientos de los objetivos trazados. Your friends' hottest topics.

All Stories. User testing, eye tracking, user-centered design. Smartr - The best way to get your news on twitter.

Zite: Personalized Magazine for iPad. Alltop, all the top stories. The genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz. OneNews – Popurls/Alltop Clone. Be The Curator of Your Favorite Topic!