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Ground Zero Mosque Controversy

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Park51, and Islam in America. When a dozen cartoons satirizing the Prophet Mohammed appeared in the conservative Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, in September, 2005, there was only a muted outcry from the small Danish Muslim community, and little reaction in the rest of the Muslim world. Six months later, however, riots broke out and Danish embassies were burned; more than a hundred people died. Assassination threats were made, and continue to this day. Last year, when plans were announced for Cordoba House, an Islamic community center to be built two blocks north of Ground Zero, few opposed them. The project was designed to promote moderate Islam and provide a bridge to other faiths. The lessons of the Danish cartoon controversy serve as an ominous template for the current debate. So what happened? In the dispute over Park51, the role of the radical imams has been taken by bloggers and right-wing commentators. Culture wars are currently being waged against Muslim Americans across the country.

Op-Ed Contributor - Building on Faith in Lower Manhattan. New Yorkers Conflicted Over Islamic Center, Poll Finds. The World Watches America's Heated Mosque Debates. A video report from Taiwan’s Apple Daily, which uses animation, and fiction, to illustrate news stories. Updated | 6:50 p.m. Last August, there was anecdotal evidence that people in many parts of the global village were watching, if not always quite understanding, the furious debate in the United States over health insurance, as it devolved into televised shouting matches about “death panels.”

This year, it seems that the same sort of attention is being paid to the similarly intense fury around proposals to construct a handful of mosques in American cities as far apart as New York and Murfreesboro, Tenn. Last week, two terrorism experts who monitor jihadist Web sites warned that, with outraged protests against mosque-building and provocative events like a scheduled Sept. 11 Koran-burning in Florida and a “9/11 Christian Center at Ground Zero,” Americans “are handing Al Qaeda a propaganda coup, an absolute propaganda coup.” Mr. The imam added: Through Islamic Center Debate, World Sees U.S. Danilo Schiavella/ANSA, via European Pressphoto Agency A Muslim at a Rome mosque. Referring to one long-delayed project, another Muslim said, “At least in America, there's a debate.” For now, he leads Friday Prayer in a stadium normally used for rock concerts. When sites were proposed for mosques in Padua and Bologna, Italy, a few years ago, opponents from the anti-immigrant Northern League paraded pigs around them.

The projects were canceled. In that light, the furor over the precise location of , the proposed Islamic community center in Lower Manhattan, looks to Mr. Across the world, the bruising struggle over an Islamic center near ground zero has elicited some unexpected reactions. For many in Europe, where much more bitter struggles have taken place over bans on facial veils in France and minarets in Switzerland, America’s fight over Park51 seems small fry, essentially a zoning spat in a culture war.

“How can they compare building a mosque in N.Y. with building whatever in Mecca?” Olbermann: There is no ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ - msnbc tv - Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Finally as promised, a Special Comment tonight on the inaccurately described "Ground Zero mosque. " "They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up. " Pastor Martin Niemoller's words are well known but their context is not well understood. Niemoller was not speaking abstractly. He witnessed persecution, he acquiesced to it, he ultimately fell victim to it. He had been a German World War 1 hero, then a conservative who welcomed the fall of German democracy and the rise of Hitler and had few qualms the beginning of the holocaust until he himself was arrested for supporting it insufficiently.

Niemoller survived the death camps. But Niemoller was not warning of the Holocaust. Niemoller was not warning of the holocaust. Municipal Land-Use Hearing Update - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/10/2010. Mosque-Erade - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/16/2010. Ten things I know about the mosque. 1. America missed a golden opportunity to showcase its Constitutional freedoms. The instinctive response of Americans should have been the same as President Obama's: Muslims have every right to build there. Where one religion can build a church, so can all religions. 2. The First Amendment comes down to this: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

" inoffensive black woman, and when you attack me for saying it, you are in violation of my First Amendment rights. " 3. 4. 5. 6. By using the evocative word "shackles" she associates Dr. 7. 8. 9. Chris works in the Pussycat Lounge, even closer to the site. Cassandra and Chris reflect American values more instinctively and correctly on this issue, let it be said, than Sarah Palin, Howard Dean, Newt Gingrich, Harry Reid and Rudy Giuliani, who should know better. 10. What might have been more appropriate? If there is to be a memorial, let it not be of stone and steel. Do not build again on this place. Le débat s’envenime autour de "la mosquée de Ground Zero" Une mosquée près de Ground zero, ou la naissance d'une controverse -

Il n’est encore qu’embryonnaire, mais le projet très sensible d’ériger une mosquée dans le proche périmètre du World Trade Center s’annonce déjà fertile en controverses, de celles qui sont à fleur de peau, ravivant des blessures indélébiles, à proximité de vestiges qui porteront à jamais les stigmates du 11-septembre. Un chantier, tout à la fois extrêmement délicat, téméraire, et salutaire, qui a suscité une profonde émotion à New-York, ainsi que l’a rappporté CNN. Bien plus qu’une simple construction architecturale, que d’aucuns trouveront incongrue, voire provocante, des familles américaines bouleversées ne pouvant contenir leur réprobation en criant au « sacrilège », cette initiative poursuit un dessein aux nobles visées : celui d’une reconstruction du coeur, resserrant les liens entre musulmans et américains, dans un nouveau pacte de confiance et de fraternité mutuelles.

President Obama Celebrates Ramadan at White House Iftar Dinner. Religious Action Center :: RACBlog: Embodying The Values We Cherish Most. Reposted from Religion News Service The most effective response America can give to the 9/11 terrorist attacks is to affirm our nation’s core values of freedom and liberty for all–including the religious tolerance, freedom, and equality that the perpetrators so vividly repudiated. The debate surrounding a planned Muslim community center and mosque, known as Cordoba House, two blocks from ground zero has been plagued by fear, intolerance and politics, reshaping it into something ugly. The religious community–including the Jewish community, which isn’t of one mind on the matter–has a special stake in putting forward this vision.

I am proud that most Jewish organizations have supported the right of this mosque to be built near the site of ground zero. We Jews, as the victims of religious extermination and persecution, know all too well the pain that comes from being told that our community and our houses of worship will be treated differently than others. Home Page | Cordoba. Controverse : la construction d’une mosquée à Ground Zero divise l’Amérique ! Une mosquée sur le lieu des attentats du 11 Septembre ? Non ce n’est pas une blague, c’est la démocratie américaine et ça ne se fait pas sans controverse !

Un projet de construction d’une mosquée et d’un centre culturel près de Ground Zero, marquant l’ancien emplacement des tours jumelles du World Trade Center est en bonne voie. Le projet prévoit un auditorium de 500 places, des salles de réunion, une piscine, une librairie, des galeries d’art, un magasin alimentaire et une salle de prière. Ce projet controversé a franchi un obstacle important début août, lorsque la municipalité a autorisé la démolition d’un bâtiment jusqu’alors classé, à l’emplacement où elle doit être construite.

Avec l’accord de la municipalité NewYorkaise Plus d’une vingtaine d’autobus de New York arboreront bientôt sur leurs flancs une publicité contre le projet de construction d’une mosquée et d’un centre culturel islamique près de Ground Zero, a-t-on appris mardi auprès de la régie des transports de la ville.