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Facebook Twitter EJBCA - Open Source PKI Certificate Authority - Home. Java Cryptography Samples. Notes: EnvelopFile generates a standard enveloped data structure for any local file, and using one local certificate file to specify a single recipient.

Java Cryptography Samples

The output enveloped-data file BCenveloped.p7 in binary DER format, can be unencyrpted (de-enveloped) with any EnvelopedData aware implementation: for example, CAPICOM EnvelopedData.Decrypt(). Usage: java EnvelopFile [contentfile] [X509certfile] BCSignFile generates a standard detached CMS/pkcs#7 signature for any local file, using specified Java 2 keystore and key alias. Adds entire certificate chain to signature.The output signature file BCsigned.p7s in binary DER format, can be verified using any CMS signed data aware implementation: for example, CAPICOM SignedData.Verify(). Note that the data encrypted is the ASCII data bytes (not UNICODE) of the file data.