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Something Awful. Cracked. Agony Booth. Editing Room. Xkcdsucks. Hello! This is Rob with a special announcement. Are you one of millions of cuddlefish who thinks that no one is forcing us to read xkcd? That it is the simplest thing in the world to ignore it, and that we are just being silly and masochistic for going to the website every day? You are probably sitting in your cuddlefish chairs right now [Do cuddlefish sit in chairs? Look this up later. -Ed.] feeling extraordinarily pleased with yourselves for your clever and insightful comment. No one else has ever shone the light of truth on us before! Well, I am here today to set the record straight.

Do you see that, fuckers? "But Rob," you whine in that cuddlefish voice of yours [Do cuddlefish have voices? This is ignoring that we all still have friends [Does Carl have any friends? "No one is forcing you," indeed. Sure, some of the time you can ignore it. Maddox.