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Music 101. Ikea Science Fiction. By Susana Polo | 11:53 am, May 9th, 2011 I could make some joke here about how Ikea directions always make me feel like I’m expected to build something that’s bigger on the inside, but I actually have never had that much trouble following Ikea directions THERE I SAID IT.

Ikea Science Fiction

Seriously, if you’ve ever put together some Lego sets, you already have all the experience you need. No, the problem I always seem to have is with the furniture where you have to pick up extra parts that aren’t expressly mentioned all over the boxes of the parts you already have, and I find that I’ve left a vital element of a bed, like the bits that hold up the mattress, at the warehouse. And then I sleep on the couch. (via College Humor.) The Sperm Bike Carries Donor Samples to Fertility Clinics Around Copenhagen... Photo: Courtesy of European Sperm Bank The Custom-Made 'Sperm Bullitt': Making a Special Delivery...

The Sperm Bike Carries Donor Samples to Fertility Clinics Around Copenhagen...

Copenhagen is a paradise for cyclists and a city that the rest of the world could learn a lot from. One of the things that make biking so convenient there is the use of cargo bikes (I wish they were more popular in North-America). As you can see above and below, there are all kinds! This one is the 'Sperm Bullitt' and it belongs to the Nordisk Cryobank (European Sperm Bank). The 'sperm bike' is used to carry donor samples to fertility clinics around Copenhagen in an environmentally-friendly way, and it also serves as an attention-grabbing advertisement for the sperm bank. As you can see above, the samples are carried inside the head of the giant sperm. Photo: Mikael Colville-Andersen/, CC Building the Sperm Bike Mikael from Copenhagenize explains: Photo: Mikael Colville-Andersen/, CC Photo: Mikael Colville-Andersen/, CC Genius, Isn't It?

9 Words You've Used Today With Bizarre Criminal Origins. We like to think there's something poetic and beautiful about the English language, as it was slowly pieced together over the centuries by Shakespeare, Chaucer, Wordsworth and James Joyce.

9 Words You've Used Today With Bizarre Criminal Origins

Look closer, however, and you'll see that English is actually just a mishmash of grunts and shrieks assembled haphazardly from the crude dialects of hobos, gypsies and rapists. For example: "Tip" Used to Mean Paying a Man to Not Beat You Today's Usage: "I better tip that waitress so I don't feel bad about that thing with the vomit.

" Past Usage: "I better tip this man so that he doesn't start wearing my face as a warning to others. " From the start, to tip meant to give somebody money, but four hundred years ago the money was given for a slightly different reason. Getty"My buddy 'touted' the cops to me when he saw 'em coming. GettyThere's a reason waiters keep one hand hidden when handing you the check. Getty"My dearest ho, I believe my bling has slipped out of my pants. "Flaky" Meant You Were Addicted to Coke. Wesley’s Big Adventure. Boring College Class Bingo.