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47 Times When Video Games Absolutely Lost Their Minds. Sooo, any tips for making Gifs? Prepare your outbox... This video game glitch from FIFA 13 is kinda funny but mostly terrifying. Watch floppy drives play the themes from Pulp Fiction and Game Of Thrones · Great Job, Internet! For nerds of a certain age, there’s something distinctly soothing about the sound of a floppy drive spinning into motion. In the days before CDs, the low bass rumbles and high-pitched whirrs were as comforting as the sound of a dialing modem—they were the sounds of things getting done, of programs preparing to run. Despite the obsolescence of the hardware, some YouTubers just can’t seem to let their floppies go. Instead, they convert the old drives into makeshift musical instruments, wiring multiple devices together and programming them to spin at frequencies that produce musical notes.

From there, they can input MIDI files into the controller and produce some amazingly faithful interpretations of popular songs. The trend was brought to our attention by this video, recently posted by YouTube user Arganalth, of “Misirlou,” best known as the surf rock opening theme from Pulp Fiction. “Why do it?” You can find more videos by searching for “floppy drive music” on YouTube. My new favorite Gif. Gifs with bad stationary parts. My little brother took a panoramic photo in a disco bowling place. This was the result. Researchers unearth lost Andy Warhol computer art · Newswire. All of the Microsoft Paint doodles that you created in the 1980s have been lost to the ages, and in all likelihood, nobody much cares. But that’s just because you’re not Andy Warhol.

When New York artist Cory Arcangel recently learned that Warhol had experimented with art-making on an Amiga 1000—a 1985 computer with graphics capabilities that outclassed other PCs of the era—he cared very much indeed. So with the permission of the Andy Warhol museum, Arcangel recruited members of Carnegie Mellon’s Computer Club and other experts to examine a decrepit stack of floppies for remnants of the pop artist’s work. (Image: The Andy Warhol Museum) In their search, the Carnegie Mellon team members discovered that, rather than using blank floppies, Warhol simply saved his work on application disks that were lying around—his penchant for reappropriation extended even to the realm of data, apparently.

Warhol, who died in 1987, was an early adopter of the Amiga. [via] Glitch Art – Die Kunst des digitalen Fehlers. Gesamtaufrufe Einbinden Zur Playlist hinzufügen Dass man aus elektrischen Spannungen und Störungen nicht nur vortrefflich Musik, sondern auch spannende Bilder machen kann, beweisen die Anhänger der Glitch-Art. Während Normalsterbliche bei einer schlechten Skype-Verbindung oder pixeligen YouTube-Standbildern genervt den Reload-Button drücken, jubeln Glitch-Fans über so genannte „happy accidents“. Sie erzeugen die fragmentarisch bunten Fehler und Verzerrungen sogar mit voller Absicht und machen aus den ungeahnten Möglichkeiten der kreativ destruktiven Gestaltung Kunst! Pioniere der Szene wie Rosa Menkman oder Kim Asendorf zerstören Digicams, erzeugen Kurzschlüsse und erfinden sogar neue Dateiformate um aus den vermeintlichen Abfallprodukten der digitalen Welt einzigartige Bilder zu erschaffen.

Artikel lesen. Scary (xpost from r/wtf) Compression artifact. Original image, with good color grade Loss of edge clarity and tone "fuzziness" in heavy JPEG compression A compression artifact (or artefact) is a noticeable distortion of media (including images, audio, and video) caused by the application of lossy data compression. Lossy data compression involves discarding some of the media's data so that it becomes simplified enough to be stored within the desired disk space or be transmitted (or streamed) within the bandwidth limitations (known as a data rate or bit rate for media that is streamed).

If the compressor could not reproduce enough data in the compressed version to reproduce the original, the result is a diminishing of quality, or introduction of artifacts. Alternatively, the compression algorithm may not be intelligent enough to discriminate between distortions of little subjective importance and those objectionable to the viewer. The minimization of perceivable artifacts is a key goal in implementing a lossy compression algorithm. Glitch maker.