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Daisy Days for Learning. Really Roper. Mrs. Lee's Kindergarten. Mrs. Wills Kindergarten. Miss Kindergarten: Learning Resources Easi-Speak Review and Giveaway. I opened it up at home and tested it out before I brought it to school. Then boyfriend got a hold of it and I couldn't get it out of his hands! Ha! It was so easy to use, really great instructions and my favorite part was the built-in USB!

Such a great way to share with parents and other teachers! So I brought it to school to use with my summer school kiddos. We used it during our guided reading time. All you need to do is follow these steps and enter using the rafflecopter below! 1. Giveaway ends Friday, Aug 3rd at 9pm PST. Chalk Talk: A Kindergarten Blog. Headed to Bert’s Room! Before I show you what we did in Bert’s room, here are a couple more pictures from Megan’s room. She almost finished all the fabric on the back of her cabinets and bookcases.

She told her principal if they have another lice outbreak she is taking the CABINETS home! The bulletin board with the letters is the beginning of her environmental print wall. Megan took some more pictures today, so I’ll share those with you later. This is a photo of my sweet friend Bert! The door picture on the left is her hallway door. The above bulletin board holds her no more letter of the week. This slide shows a variety of pictures. Growing Kinders.