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CURATION. Measuring Measures - Measuring Measures - Anti-Personalization. We Can be the Change « Learning to Lead, Inspiring to Change. Day after day and year after year, we as educators spend a significant amount of time with our students.

We Can be the Change « Learning to Lead, Inspiring to Change

Yes, our primary goal is to teach the students and to provide them with information and understanding that they can and may later use to make positive choices in their lives. However, there are other things we teach our students. Transcript of OpenLeaks video. Daniel Domscheit-Berg, formerly of Wikileaks and now working on the OpenLeaks project, recently gave a presentation at 27C3.

Transcript of OpenLeaks video

Because the talk is dense and the video long, I had it transcribed today. It’s long and, in the manner of long, complex talks, it isn’t a perfect, linear read. I haven’t cleaned it up, or read or analyzed it fully yet, but it seems important, so I am posting the transcript here, as raw material. Daniel Domscheit-Berg’s talk on OpenLeaks Hi.