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Becky Hays, CH/MNLP is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and the International Society of NLP. Since 2007 Becky has met with clients in private sessions and produced media, self hypnosis recordings and workshops for personal growth. Becky was a presenting Faculty Member at the 2011 International Convention of the National Guild of Hypnotists, and has presented at various health and wellness events. Remote Sessions available. Visit to know more

How to Bring More Joy and Peace into Your Life. Hypnosis For Anxiety. Have you ever felt as if the world is crumbling around you?

Hypnosis For Anxiety

Nothing works? You do everything right, set your goals, get clear about what you want, practice the law of attraction, stay present, be in the NOW, uncover your limiting beliefs, remove subconscious obstacles, stay un-attached to the outcome, set up milestones, practice perseverance, meditate, take action, never give up, and still…nothing works!

Have you ever reached a point of exhaustion, disappointment, discouragement, regret, or downright hopelessness? That is a good time to remember that“Magic Happens” Do what strengthen my ego? Why would I want to strengthen my EGO?

Do what strengthen my ego?

After all the time I spend in meditation, listening to Holosync CDs to put me into deep meditative, trance, listening to self hypnosis recordings to improve my life, and doing Ashtanga Yoga everyday to still the mind, be present, and let go of the EGO? As Eckhart Tolle mentions…in The Power of NOW…it is the EGO that keeps us in pain and misery. So why would I want to make my ego even stronger? Perhaps it is semantics…but the EGO we are referring to here is the ego that resides deep down at the unsconsious level.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Happening Jan 2019 is a SuperMoon Supermoon happenswhen the Full Moon orbit iscloser to the Earth and the symbology could be“helpful”whether you believe it or notWhat can you expect?

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Expect the unexpected. The Power of Your Thoughts by Dr Joe Dispenza. Dr Dispenza holds a degree in biochemistry from Rutgers Univ, with an emphasis on neuroscience.

The Power of Your Thoughts by Dr Joe Dispenza

He was a featured expert in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” And has visited over 24 countries around the world teaching thousands of people how to reprogram their thinking using proven scientific principles. Listen To Joe Dispenza Explain The Science Behind The Power Of Your Thoughts, And How Your Thoughts Can Not Only Heal You, But Help You Create The Life You Want. Stop Self Imposed Limitations Dr Joe Dispenza Pt 1.

Dr Dispenza holds a degree in biochemistry from Rutgers Univ, with an emphasis on neuroscience.

Stop Self Imposed Limitations Dr Joe Dispenza Pt 1

He was a featured expert in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? And has visited over 24 countries around the world teaching thousands of people how to reprogram their thinking using proven scientific principles. Stop Self Imposed Limitations Dr Joe Dispenza Pt 2. Dr Dispenza holds a degree in biochemistry from Rutgers Univ, with an emphasis on neuroscience.

Stop Self Imposed Limitations Dr Joe Dispenza Pt 2

He was a featured expert in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? And has visited over 24 countries around the world teaching thousands of people how to reprogram their thinking using proven scientific principles. Click on the audio player below to Listen to Dr Joe Dispenza share how we can stop self imposed limitations. Mini Meditation in a Moment. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension.

Mini Meditation in a Moment

And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” Comedian George Burns, who lived to 100. Mini Meditation in a Moment. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension.

Mini Meditation in a Moment

And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” Comedian George Burns, who lived to 100 Stress is the leading cause of death. Wow, just reading that statement stresses me out!! What is stress? Mini Meditation in a Moment – Telegraph. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension.

Mini Meditation in a Moment – Telegraph

And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” Comedian George Burns, who lived to 100 Stress is the leading cause of death. Mini Meditation in a Moment. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension.

Mini Meditation in a Moment

And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” Comedian George Burns, who lived to 100 Stress is the leading cause of death. Wow, just reading that statement stresses me out!! Mini Meditation in a Moment. “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.”

Comedian George Burns, who lived to 100 Stress is the leading cause of death. Wow, just reading that statement stresses me out!! Do what strengthen my ego? Future Timeline Workshop. All workshops are led with instruction (no prior experience necessary) and may include: Engaging NLP ExercisesGuided MeditationsInteractive ActivitiesRelaxing Group Hypnosis NEW YEARS DAY – FUTURE TIMELINE WorkshopSat, January 1, 2011 Where will you be on New Year’s Day?

Come to the Future Timeline Workshkop (in the afternoon, after you have slept in:) Bring your New Year’s Resolution, or simply your intentions, for the New Year, and use the powerful Timeline Technique to plant your goal into your future. Live Your Passion Workshop. Intuitive Writing Workshop. Documentary Beyond Belief. You never know where life will lead you. The path that led me to study and practice NLP and Hypnosis was so synchronistic I could never have planned it that way. The effects of the tools were so incredibly powerful, I could not ignore them, even though I resisted at first. After selling my video production company I had no intention of getting back into media production. Comments from Automatic Writing Workshop. Austin locals joined visitors from San Marcos, Temple, Alabama, and New York.

The group energy created a space that made all feel welcome and supported. Thank you all for your positive presence! COMMENTS And FEEDBACK: What did you like best about the intuitive writing workshop today? “the guidance” Open2Transformation. Before I was a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, I owned a video production company that produced educational and training videos. In fact, it was during the production on a DVD Coaching Series for a wealthy entrepreneur that I discovered NLP. This super-successful businessman (I will call him ‘Donald’) owned the largest Real Estate School in the state. Balance Your Chakras Course Guided Meditation. How to Quit Smoking Easy. Hypnosis To Stop Smoking. Hypnosis To Stop Smoking.