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Sprintf. Perl does its own sprintf formatting: it emulates the C function sprintf(3), but doesn't use it except for floating-point numbers, and even then only standard modifiers are allowed.


Non-standard extensions in your local sprintf(3) are therefore unavailable from Perl. Unlike printf , sprintf does not do what you probably mean when you pass it an array as your first argument. The array is given scalar context, and instead of using the 0th element of the array as the format, Perl will use the count of elements in the array as the format, which is almost never useful. Finally, for backward (and we do mean "backward") compatibility, Perl permits these unnecessary but widely-supported conversions: Note that the number of exponent digits in the scientific notation produced by %e , %E , %g and %G for numbers with the modulus of the exponent less than 100 is system-dependent: it may be three or less (zero-padded as necessary).

An explicit format parameter index, such as 2$ . One or more of: So: EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration. For the impatient: Select Help > Software Updates... in Eclipse, add the update site and follow the on-screen instructions.

EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration

Before installing EPIC you need Eclipse, Java, and Perl on your system. An optional PadWalker module is needed for debugging. For details read the system requirements section of the FAQ. The installation and upgrades are best performed using the Eclipse Update Manager. The Update Manager connects to the EPIC update site, downloads the necessary files and stores them in the plugins and features subfolders of your Eclipse home directory. The following description applies to Eclipse 3.4 and newer. After starting Eclipse select Help > Software Updates... from the menu and switch to the Available Software tab. For the stable 0.5.x, older version of for the most recent 0.6.x version Alternatively, if you have downloaded and unpacked the update site manually, click on Local... in the Add Site... dialog and point to the update site folder.

API2. -fit => 1 Display the page designated by page, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically.


If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension. La Programmation Oriente Objet en Perl. La POO est une méthode de programmation née de réflexions sur la qualité et le coût de la création et de l'entretien d'un programme.

La Programmation Oriente Objet en Perl

En effet, il a été constaté que de 70 à 80% du coût d'un programme provient de la phase de maintenance et non de celle de création pure. Le but de la POO est de réduire ce coût. Pour cela, on a fixé des critères de qualité d'un programme OO. Ils sont au nombre de quatre : la Validité : respect du cahier des charges ; l'Extensibilité : permettre l'ajout de fonctionnalités ; la Réutilisabilité : permettre l'utilisation d'un même composant pour différentes applications ; la Robustesse : consiste en un traitement des exceptions. À la vue de ceci, vous vous demandez pourquoi apprendre la POO : il y a de fortes chances que vous n'ayez pas à programmer un jour une application d'un coût élevé, donc pourquoi l'utiliser ? Sans trop détailler, je vais essayer d'établir la philosophie de base de la POO.

Maintenant, prenons deux personnes différentes. 2-A. 2-B. 2-C. Table. PDF::Table - A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object. use PDF::API2; use PDF::Table; my $pdftable = new PDF::Table; my $pdf = new PDF::API2(-file => "table_of_lorem.pdf"); my $page = $pdf->page; my $some_data =[ ["1 Lorem ipsum dolor", "Donec odio neque, faucibus vel", "consequat quis, tincidunt vel, felis.


"], ["Nulla euismod sem eget neque. ", "Donec odio neque", "Sed eu velit. "], ]; $left_edge_of_table = 50; $pdftable->table( $pdf, $page, $some_data, x => $left_edge_of_table, w => 495, start_y => 750, next_y => 700, start_h => 300, next_h => 500, padding => 5, padding_right => 10, background_color_odd => "gray", background_color_even => "lightblue", ); $pdf->saveas();... For a complete working example or initial script look into distribution`s 'examples' folder. This class is a utility for use with the PDF::API2 module from CPAN. See the METHODS section for complete documentation of every parameter. new Returns an instance of the class. Example: Daemmon Hughes.