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Graphic 10- Taking a Line for a Walk. Sketchbook Week This week I am going to post only about sketchbooks.

Graphic 10- Taking a Line for a Walk

I love getting glimpses into the minds of artist’s through their sketchbooks. It’s so personal and makes you aware of all the thinking and learning they are constantly doing. Graphic magazine‘s issue 10 focuses on over twenty artist’s diaries, notebooks and sketchbooks. There are big photos on each artist with bios and interviews about their work and their books. Brash Hymns. Your guide to green parenting, eco baby & green kids. ADD TONER: A Cometbus Collection.

A collection of the classic, out of print issues of Cometbus magazine, the follow-up to Despite Everything, the best-of collection from the first two decades of Cometbus.

ADD TONER: A Cometbus Collection

Add Toner includes Lanky (a novella), Back to the Land (an oral history of the children of hippie homesteaders), plus sixty other interviews and short stories. The text is lovingly handwritten, interspersed with bold graphics and illustrations. Includes never- before- published material. “A classic in the subterranean world” - Time “The best loved zine ever.” - San Francisco Bay Guardian “Aaron crafts evocative essays and concise vignettes that read almost like prose poems.” - The New York Press Aaron Cometbus has been publishing his highly revered magazine, Cometbus, for thirty years.

Zine Archive Links. {*style:<b> </b>*} @take A collection of digital scans of zine covers from around the world, including the U.S., Spain, Japan and Germany.

Zine Archive Links

No longer updated. ( Added: 1-Jan-2002 ) Edmonton Small Press Association The ESPA is a non-profit society with a socially-conscious mandate that is committed to fostering the awareness and development of independent small press ventures. T E X T F I L E S. Despite everything: a Cometbus omnibus - Aaron Cometbus. Burn Collector, Collected Stories from One Through Nine. Have Coffee Will Write » Blog Archive » WHY ARE PEOPLE OCCUPYING WALL STREET…? Creative mutations… and squinting drunky? Brash Hymns. On Slippers, or Respectable Ways of Becoming Famous « The Understander. Slippers are shoes that you wear inside of your home.

On Slippers, or Respectable Ways of Becoming Famous « The Understander

Now, I can understand why you would need to wear shoes, and I can understand why you would need to be inside of a home, but I was confused as to why you would need a whole other accessory just so you could do both at the same time. Nevertheless, the slipper industry is booming, with total sales nearing a reported $725 million in 2009. I decided to take a look into the minds of this curious group of consumers. The following examines several possible motivations for wearing slippers: For Reasons of Temperature Some people might wear slippers because they find that their feet are cold. For Reasons of Cleanliness Some people might wear slippers because their home is too dirty to walk around in barefoot, or even worse, in socks. The Panic Manual. Dirty Truths of the “Good War” (2) « Even If Your Voice Shakes. Part 2 of 4Spreading Democracy (and Heroin) Originally published by Truth-Out.

Dirty Truths of the “Good War” (2) « Even If Your Voice Shakes

Documents made public by WikiLeaks’ latest file drop show that Afghan President Hamid Karzai pulled strings several times throughout early 2009 to free numerous drug traffickers with whom he had political or economic ties. The documents also show that US officials have held multiple high-level meetings with a man widely viewed as one of the country’s major heroin dealers. That man is Ahmed Wali Karzai: He’s the half-brother of President Karzai and has been investigated by numerous major newspapers for drug allegations. Referred to in many US documents as “AWK,” Ahmed Wali Karzai, has long been on the radar of government officials and journalists for his off-the-books dealings with local warlords, traffickers, Taliban members and Afghanistan government officials.

Now, previously secret US Embassy documents, made public by WikiLeaks, further these claims. 1. Like this: Bad sandwich chronicles. Hallowwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeen. Do you guys believe in ghosts?


It’s kind of a stupid question, because it seems like there are two schools of thought regarding ghosts and they’re this: Uh, totally. (this one stupid place) is totally haunted and I’ve seen that shit with my own eyes/(some asshole) swears up and down that he’s seen (some weirdly specific ghost, usually female) and you KNOW that he’s not the kind of person that goes for that shit. Or What are you, fucking retarded? I’ve personally never seen a ghost but I have a lot of friends and family that have claimed to have seen them, including my stepdad, who’s a chemist and generally not the kind of person that goes for bullshit like that (although, to be fair, he’s got some ideas about the bible that fall in line with er…’going for bullshit like that,’ I suppose) and he’s DEFINITELY not the kind of guy who’d do drugs or in any way be discombobulated enough that his ‘ghost encounter’ could be blamed on his perception.

Make no mistake, there’s weird shit out there.