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16th century Samplers: Blackwork. All charts are under copyright by their creators.

16th century Samplers: Blackwork

Please ask for permission before anything other than private use! Example 1: Blackwork The wide availability and use of pattern books meant that similar styles of embroidery were known all over Europe. Pattern books were not only sold and reprinted in other countries, sometimes a new book would "borrow" patterns from others. Flowers, acorns, and scrolling vines were very popular in blackwork patterns and these samplers have many examples.


History. Period Embroidery Pattern Books and Modelbuchs: References and Links - Embroidery - patterns - Honor Before Victory. I find it fascinating that there are still copies and facsimiles of embroidery pattern books from the 16th century.

Period Embroidery Pattern Books and Modelbuchs: References and Links - Embroidery - patterns - Honor Before Victory

I know that those pattern books were used by embroiderers, needleworkers, and ladies alike, so to be able to refer and use them myself really strikes a chord with me. But, because these pattern books are scattered about, I keep losing track of them. Practical Blackwork. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Jacobean Embroidery, by Ada Wentworth Fitzwilliam and A. F. Morris Hands. Blackwork Gallery. Blackwork Projects.

Blackwork Stitching

Blackwork Patterns. Museum Pieces.