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10 Useful RSS-Tricks and Hacks For WordPress - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement By Jean-Baptiste Jung RSS is one of those technologies that are extremely simple yet extremely powerful. Currently, RSS is the de facto standard for blog syndication, and it is used widely in both personal and corporate settings; for example, in blogs. And because a large percentage of these blogs run on WordPress, we’ll cover in this post some (hopefully) relatively unknown but useful RSS-related tricks and hacks that will help you use RSS in a more effective way — and without unnecessary and chunky WordPress plug-ins.

Let’s take a look at 10 useful, yet rather unknown RSS-tricks for WordPress. 1. The problem. The solution. Code explanation. Sources Publish your feed later 2. The problem. Another problem: do you often change your theme? The solution. Create a backup of your .htaccess file, located in the root of your Web server.Edit the .htaccess file and add the following code. Code explanation. 3. The problem. The solution. Follow these simple steps to perform this hack: 4. How to Edit the WordPress RSS Feed. Ever thought you could make some improvements to your RSS feed? Like letting it cover more (or less!) Content? Or adding some extra details onto the end of your posts? In this post, I’m going to show you how to do exactly that. How to include both posts and pages in your feeds.How to add thumbnails to your feeds.How to exclude posts with a certain tag.Set how many posts appear in your feed (Without affecting the rest of your site).How to show only posts from a certain category.How to add content to the end of each post (e.g. link to your latest featured post).

All of this is going to take place in the functions.php file of your theme. Include Pages in WordPress Feed What we will do is add a filter to WordPress when it is searching for posts. If you wanted to show only pages, then you could change the word ‘any’ to ‘page’ (or to the name of any custom post types you’ve created). You may want to be more specific and only show top level pages. Add Thumbnails to RSS Feed. 30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks | Tutorials. WordPress needs no introduction in designing field. It usually known as a synonym for blogging. When working on a WordPress blog, your posts often take the important place. However, the comments on the posts are often just as important as they create quality and valuable discussion. on the other hand if you have default WordPress comment box then there is no fun in commenting for readers as well as writers. It really helpful for you and your visitors if your blog have well managed comment space.

In which a reader can find various details about past and present comments which can improve the appearance of comments, and add more value to your posts. This article focuses on organized collection of Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks which helps you to create a user-friendly interchange between you and your readers. One of the greatest things about blogging is the immediate feedback a blogger can get from his or her readers. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Custom Fields Hacks For WordPress - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement In our previous articles on WordPress hacks, we discussed the incredible flexibility of WordPress, which is one of the biggest reasons for its popularity among bloggers worldwide. Custom fields in particular, which let users create variables and add custom values to them, are one of the reasons for WordPress’ flexibility.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 10 useful things that you can do with custom fields in WordPress. Among them are setting expiration time for posts, defining how blog posts are displayed on the front page, displaying your mood or music, embedding custom CSS styles, disabling search engine indexing for individual posts, inserting a “Digg this” button only when you need it and, of course, displaying thumbnails next to your posts 1. Image source: Richard Vantielcke1 The problem. The solution. <? To create a post set to expire at a certain date and time, just create a custom field. Code explanation. Source: 2. The problem. The solution. Code explanation. Lazy Blogging with Postalicious | OMNINOGGIN. You guys have probably noticed [and hopefully found useful] my “Weekend Links” series that I post at the end of every week.

In this post, I would like to share my method of doing these posts quickly and efficiently. Problem I want to share my Google Reader shared items on a weekly links posts. Generate these weekly links posts manually takes a lot of time. Postalicious lets you do this all automatically, but the newer version of Postalicious was buggy for me when I tried it (2.5rc4 at the time). Solution I used version 2.0rc6, and got around modifying the core WordPress file by feeding my Google Reader feed through Yahoo! Google Reader Setup Log into your Google Reader account and you should be presented with your overview page.Select the “Shared Items” folder on the left hand side navigation.

Remember this Atom Feed URL as you will use it in the next step. Yahoo Pipes Setup Go to my Google Reader to Postalicious 2.0rc6 Yahoo! Remember this RSS URL as you will use it in the next step. : Daily recipes to cook with WordPress. WordPress Post Excerpts and the More Tag. Not only once, it has been said that displaying full posts on your blog home page, category pages or archive pages increases the chance of being penalized for duplicate content.

In WordPress, using post excerpts has proven to be a good alternative, but one that has its downsides: You lose control over text formatting;Images won’t be displayed;If you don’t take time to write them yourself, WordPress might not select the most appropriate fragments;Readers might not be convinced to further click, if the excerpt is not attractive enough. Better Post Excerpts If you’re concerned about your writing style, you’ll most definitely take care about how you structure your posts, where you insert images and how you write the introductory paragraph. With these in mind, you basically got yourself a very good post excerpt, one that you should not leave to WordPress to decide when and where to cut.

The ‘More’ Tag Your introductory paragraph should be placed before using the 'more' quicktag. That’s it!


Plugins. 50+ Cheat Sheets for Building WordPress Themes and Plugins ? tripwire magazine. WordPress needs no introduction. It powerful, highly popular and have a huge community providing loads of free and premium themes and plugins. Still you may fell like creating your own themes or plugins could be fun or a way to get the functionality and look and fell you need. It is not that hard to customize a theme but starting from scratch requires some experience or assistance.

I have previously provided an article that could get you started by itself, 40+ Awesome Tutorials and Techniques For WordPress Theme Developers. Still having access to a good set of cheat sheets will for sure help you speed up development even more. This article provides a comprehensive list of all the WordPress Related Cheat Sheets I have been able to find and some are really useful.

Advertisement Pure WordPress Cheat Sheets The WordPress Help Sheet The WordPress Help Sheet includes the following: Basic Template FilesPHP Snippets for the HeaderPHP Snippets for the TemplatesAnd Extra Stuff for WordPress visibone. Customizing the Read More. Customizing the Read More Languages: English • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • (Add your language) If you have set your WordPress site to display post excerpts on the front or home page, you will want visitors to click on the title or a link to encourage them to continue reading your post or article, right? WordPress makes this technique easy, and customizable. The Excerpt Basics Excerpts (teasers) can be shown on WordPress through two methods: The first, keeping the the_content() template tag and inserting a quicktag called more at your desired "cut-off" point when editing the post. The second, by replacing the the_content() template tag with the_excerpt(). In both cases, if you have set anything in the Excerpt meta box on the post editor screen, that text will be used.

The most commonly used method is the first one, because the user editing the post can choose between showing the whole content or just the excerpt, individually for each post. Read More Techniques To remove the teaser: Include <!