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Milky Way, Sculptures of Dying Figures That Double as Star Projectors. A Documentary About YouTubers. What Is Laughing Squid? Photo of the Doggie Diner Dog Heads by Scott Beale Here’s a bit more on what Laughing Squid is all about, beyond what is in our FAQ and what has been written about us . People often mention that they’ve heard of Laughing Squid, but don’t really know what it is that we actually do, so hopefully this will give a better idea. Here’s our short description: Laughing Squid is a blog featuring interesting art, culture & technology as well as a cloud-based web hosting company. Laughing Squid was founded on November 16th, 1995 in San Francisco by Scott Beale as a film and video production company, producing documentaries on the surrealist painter Alonso Smith and The Cacophony Society’s Portland Santacon ’96 event.

Here a few things that Laughing Squid currently does and has done in the past: BLOG – We’ve been running a blog since 2003 , which we relaunched on WordPress in 2005. For those of you curious as to where the name “Laughing Squid” came from, here the story of its origin . Hello Dreamers. What Is A Dreamwalker? What is a Dreamwalker?

What Is A Dreamwalker?

Dreamwalker shapeshifter skinwalker shaman shapeshifter story medicine wheel what is a mystic For an example of dreamwalking through Yoga techniques go to six yogas This page is about defining terms. Some of the terms included are: Shaman, Dreamwalker, Shape shifter, Shape Changer, and Skinwalker. "Dreamwalker" A dreamwalker is one who works with and within the dream to understand, to create, to heal, to meet with elderhearts, to journey this realm (out of body), to work with other worlds and realms, to teach, … to be one with the ultimate ONE. Ways to enter the dreamtime are many. Christopher Lee leest Nightmare Before Christmas. Hirst-for-the-love-of-god.jpg (JPEG Image, 2427 × 3480 pixels) Galaxy Zoo. Zelfportretten gemaakt onder invloed van 13 verschillende soorten drugs. In 1995 is de kunstenaar Bryan Lewis Saunders een project gestart om elke dag een ​​nieuw zelfportret te maken voor de rest van zijn leven.

Zelfportretten gemaakt onder invloed van 13 verschillende soorten drugs

Hoewel dit alleen al klinkt als een mooi idee, zijn enkele van de portretten gemaakt onder invloed van verschillende drugs. Inmiddels heeft hij ongeveer 8.000 zelfportretten gemaakt. Zoals je kan zien hebben de verschillende drugs allemaal een andere uitwerking op zijn creativiteit. Bekijk de portretten maar eens. Paddo’s Absint Cocaïne Methamfetamine (crystal meth) Hasj Morfine Ritalin Salvia Divinorum (Azteken-Salbei) Valium Lachgas. Dandelion Seeds Clear Glass Orb Necklace with by treasuresoftrees. Unique Pocket Watch Circa 1890s Manufactured by by swagJUICE. The 9/11 Conspiracy: A Dramatization by Maxwell Yezpitelok. Latest. The Invisible Man by Liu Bolin. Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student.

The Invisible Man by Liu Bolin

I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: Liu Bolin doesn’t need any fancy technology to produce the jaw-dropping illusion of invisibility. His urban camouflage photography is all paint and pure talent. Website Do you want more visual fun? Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. The sentence's meaning becomes clearer when it's understood that it uses three meanings of the word buffalo: the city of Buffalo, New York, the somewhat uncommon verb "to buffalo" (meaning "to bully or intimidate"), as well as the animal buffalo.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

When the punctuation and grammar are expanded, the sentence could read as follows: "Buffalo buffalo that Buffalo buffalo buffalo, buffalo Buffalo buffalo. " The meaning becomes even clearer when synonyms are used: "Buffalo bison that other Buffalo bison bully, themselves bully Buffalo bison. " Sentence construction Bison engaged in a contest of dominance. This sentence supposes they have a history of such bullying with other buffalo, and they are from upstate New York. A comic explaining the concept. List of colors. The following is a list of colors.

List of colors

A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined in terms of the sRGB color space. It is not possible to accurately convert many of these swatches to CMYK values because of the differing gamuts of the two spaces, but the color management systems built into operating systems and image editing software attempt such conversions as accurately as possible. The HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space values, also known as HSB (hue, saturation, brightness), and the hex triplets (for HTML web colors) are also given in the following table. Colors that appear on the web-safe color palette—which includes the sixteen named colors—are noted.[1] (Those four named colors corresponding to the neutral grays have no hue value, which is effectively ignored—i.e., left blank.) List of unusual deaths.

This is a list of unusual deaths.

List of unusual deaths

This list includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple sources. Some of the deaths are mythological or are considered to be unsubstantiated by contemporary researchers. Oxford Dictionaries defines the word "unusual" as "not habitually or commonly occurring or done" and "remarkable or interesting because different from or better than others. "[1] Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a performance, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, List of association footballers who died while playing, List of professional cyclists who died during a race and the List of political self-immolations. Antiquity[edit] Middle Ages[edit] Renaissance[edit] 18th century[edit]