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Facebook Twitter | Home. Entrepreneurs with Disabilities. Knowledge entrepreneurship. Knowledge entrepreneurship describes the ability to recognize or create an opportunity and take action aimed at realizing an innovative knowledge practice or product. Knowledge entrepreneurship is different from ‘traditional’ economic entrepreneurship in that it does not aim at the realization of monetary profit, but focuses on opportunities with the goal to improve the production (research) and throughput of knowledge (as in personal transformation[1]), rather than to maximize monetary profit.

It has been argued that knowledge entrepreneurship is the most suitable form of entrepreneurship for not-for-profit educators, researchers and educational institutions. The Information / Knowledge Entrepreneurship[edit] Following Clark[2][3]“entrepreneurial” can be used as a characteristic not only applied to individuals, but to organizations as social systems, as well as to projects. Model of knowledge entrepreneurship. Used in Senges 2007 and adapted from McDonald 2002 See also[edit] The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines | Django. The Founder Institute: Helping Founders to Build Great Companies.

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