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Web Framework. Building an OpenERP Web module. A Basic Module web_example ├── └── Web Declaration web_example ├── ├── └── static 'name': "Web Example", 'description': "Basic example of a (future) web module", 'category': 'Hidden', 'depends': ['web'],} Getting Things Done static/src/js/first_module.js // static/src/js/first_module.jsconsole.log("Debug statement: file loaded"); 'description': "Basic example of a (future) web module", 'category': 'Hidden', 'depends': ['web'], 'js': ['static/src/js/first_module.js'],} // static/src/js/first_module.jsopenerp.web_example = function (instance) { console.log("Module loaded");}; 'description': "Basic example of a (future) web module", 'category': 'Hidden', 'depends': ['web'], 'data': ['web_example.xml'], 'js': ['static/src/js/first_module.js'],} web_example.xml <!

Paint it black static/src/css/web_example.css static/src/xml/web_example.xml Burning through the skies this. Mic check, is this working? OpenERP Tutorial: Module creation and modification of the Point Of Sale. WARNING This is the english translation of the french tutorial I made. My native language is french. I have some basic knowledge of english language, thus I translated the tutorial by myself and sometimes by the use of a famous translation service, so I hope the whole text is easily understandable.

Whatever, the french version prevails. In case of misunderstanding, do not hesitate to contact me at OpenERP Official ForumContact me Thank you for reading OpenERP programming is a rather complicated task. The documentation is quite limited and very brief. The few tutorials found on the Web are limited to specific problems. They do not fully achieve a complex module, they just allow you to add a button or function somewhere. The tutorial that I propose is the result of hundreds of hours of learning everything I could find in the official documentation and on the Web, as well as number of lines of code, of countless tests, bugs and other gaieties.

The context Here is what it is. Launch WinSCP. Openerp. There are Many ways to install OpenERP and dependent packages on Mac like using pip, port and brew. Here is the steps to install OpenERP using ports. To get port command working you need to Download and install Macports. Install PostgreSQL 9.3 Server Installing PostgreSQL Server is required to connect to postgres and create database.

After successful installation we need to create our system user as a postgres superuser. Sudo su – postgres createuser <your system username> It will prompt you to make this user as super user? Make it superuser psql93 template1 -U postgres -W this might be psql or psql with version depends on installation This will ask for posrgres user password and give you template1 connection ALTER USER <your system username> WITH password ‘your password’; Above query will set password for system username in postgres. exit You will back to system user prompt We successfully installed Postgres Server To check the installation you can run this command psql93 -l sudo -i cd PyChart-1.39.

Simple examples web modules openerp. OpenERP – new web client (6.1) – javascript hooks | AgileBG Planet. I was trying to inject some custom code on logout event. My code was never executed though. Finally I got it working thanks to Xavier Morel (see my question on stackoverflow). Here is the clue: you can “easily” inject an handler for a given event (openerp-web specific ones) by doing like this: openerp.yourmodule = function(openerp) { openerp.webclient.on_logout.add_first( function () { alert('thatsme!

'); } ); } You must pay attention to 2 things particularly: you MUST use “openerp.webclient” and not “openerp.web.WebClient”you MUST use your module name in order to get the JS loaded This last point is among the few informations you find in the not-so-official docs contained into the web module (see my previous blogpost on how to get them). Using “add_first” I’m adding an event handler for the logout event which will be executed before any existing handler. OpenERP web – How to add custom functionalities to the sidebar | AgileBG Planet.

How to make a custom WIDGET in OpenERP... | >>>----- Open PaRaMeTeRz ----->>> 7: How can I add images in sale.oder.line or in treeview generally? Answered Feb 20 '14 Luke21 ● 1 ● 1 ● 2 Has anyone successfully installed this in trunk/v8? I am interested in using this for a new instance running v8/trunk, but I have tried installing the module using trunk and have received the following traceback error: OpenERP Server Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/openerp/", line 345, in dispatch response["result"] = self. How to make a custom WIDGET in OpenERP... | >>>----- Open PaRaMeTeRz ----->>> Openerp-expert-accounting - [Bug 381910] Re: account_asset: incorrect calculation of asset depreciation amount. Asset Management in OpenERP | Zesty Beanz. OpenERP uses account_asset module for managing an organization's assests, it helps you to Manage the assets owned by your company and keep track of depreciation occurred on those assets.

This module also create account entries based on the depreciation lines Asset Management module in OpenERP provide the following fuctionality: Provide different depreciation methods(linear, degressive), Compute the depreciation according to the time period and the depreciation method specified, create accounting entries based on the depreciation lines, Have a fully integrated system with the financial and analytic accounting modules, Track changes on assets from any document in OpenERP. Track changes on assets from any document in OpenER Provide different depreciation methods(linear, degressive), Compute the depreciation according to the time period and the depreciation method specified. create accounting entries based on the depreciation lines.

Depreciation Methods Linear Depreciation: Degressive Depreciation: MVCSQL. Example 1 sale = self.browse(cr, uid, ID) country_name = sale.partner_id.address[0] cr.execute('select partner_id from sale_order where id=%d', (ID,))partner_id = cr.fetchone()[0]cr.execute('select country_id from res_partner_address where partner_id=%d', (partner_id,))country_id = cr.fetchone()[0]cr.execute('select name from res_country where id=%d', (country_id,))del partner_iddel country_idcountry_name = cr.fetchone()[0] Example 2 - Prefetching partner_name = Loops and special fields def get_totals(self, cr, uid, ids): countries = {} for sale in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): country = countries.setdefault(country, 0.0) countries[country] += sale.amount_untaxed return countries def print_totals(self, cr, uid, ids): result = self.get_totals(cr, uid, ids) for country in result.keys(): print '[%s] %s: %.2f' (country.code,, result[country]) A complete example.

How to iterate over values in dictionary Python. OSCG - OS Consulting Group Limited | Your Truly OpenERP Partner | Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asia. Debugging in openerp 7.0. Python - List comprehension for running total. How to Debug python code in open erp. Python function arguments in openerp.