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Omri Shafran

Omri Shafran is a standout amongst the most distinguished Entrepreneurs across Houston Texas, USA and the CEO of a number of other business Organizations indulged in Real assets Management, Personal Parking Assistance and other different business areas. He established Bluebay Construction LLC and Surespot Inc. in 2008 and 2012 respectively and served as a board member of various other Major brands across the country. One of his big firms, Blue straight Construction, serves as an authorized contractual worker for all business and private ventures within the State of Texas and further holds the member ship for the Better Business Bureau. Moreover, the greater part of their work portfolio incorporates various Government entities around the country. One of his other Established brand, The Optimum group of companies, has the ownership and management control for a vast domain of real estate assets and related firms across USA. Over the years, Omri has been engaged in the process of acquiring, developing, marketing and financing of more than 25 projects along with multiple other business firms in USA and further acquired a thorough knowledge about the US real estate market, its methodologies and dimensions in the process. Additionally, his firm Surespot Inc. has been indulged in delivering a wide range of in terms of hardware, parking management software and mobile application to automatically enable any type off-street or on-street parking facility with utmost ease in its most capacitive and efficient version. Along with great Business acumen, Omri Shafran has been honored with a number of awards and recognitions during his journey as an Entrepreneur which includes the award for the Best Investment Portfolio, Harvard Business school best start up competition, The Israeli General Air Force Honor, the Best Product of the Business week and so on. If we have a look around at his Educational Background, Omri Shafran has gone through his Basic studies from the Open University of Israel. He then went Harvard Business School to seek higher education in Economics, Business studies and Finance. He is often been cited as a gifted Entrepreneur, Manager and a more proficient pioneer by the entirety of his associates and customers.

Omri Shafran. 4 ways to how PMS can sort all you worries regarding day to day parking issues. Profoundly creative and innovative Parking Management Software (PMS) is quite beneficial to figure out all the given parking issues in random cities and countries around.

4 ways to how PMS can sort all you worries regarding day to day parking issues

Utilizing this system, individuals can get profited with an extraordinary automated parking system and related benefits. Omri Shafran, CEO and founder of SureSpot, probably the best smart parking access management firm out there, talks about the various advantages of PMS. After using this amazing technology, your request in regard with the inquiry of a parking space can be effectively arranged. Additionally, the similar assignment can be taken thought in an even more rapidly and effective way.

Looking at the best advantages of PMS, omri shafran houston tx sets out the accompanying pointers in similar respects. All you need to know about new innovations in Smart Parking system. Taking a Sneak Peek into the Smart Parking Access Management System. Parking is an ever-increasing problem across cities and towns.

Taking a Sneak Peek into the Smart Parking Access Management System

This is majorly due to the rapid urbanization that has led to the creation of more residential and commercial buildings but less space to house all the vehicles coming in. as per multiple reports, people spend hundreds of hours every year finding a parking spot in metropolises. Whether you’re rushing for an important meeting or job interview or just stepped out to go get some food at your favorite restaurant, your mood is sure to be hampered by the long search for a parking spot on some days.

The perfect solution to this parking problem is smart parking solutions. This technology not only helps users find a parking post quickly but also helps building managers or parking managers easily manage daily traffic. Smart parking solutions also make it easy to charge clients as per the time their car remained parked and can also help find those who park incorrectly or for longer than stipulated. 1. 2. 3.

What Factors Impact the Cost of the Smart Parking Management System? Smart parking systems are gaining popularity across cities and towns.

What Factors Impact the Cost of the Smart Parking Management System?

Parking managers can now operate their lots at higher capacities and hence can generate higher revenues or manage authorized vehicles easily without any hassle of maintaining paper-based documentation. This combination system of cameras and sensors easily detects vacant parking slots and intimates drivers about them through mobile applications and to parking managers via centralized server-based systems. Omri Shafran Houston. How PMS Can Help You Take Care of all Your Parking Related Worries? A Brief Overview of a Compelling and Technologically Advanced Smart Parking System. Smart Parking Solutions: Why We Need it Badly than Ever?

While the world is presently managing through with the criticality and seriousness of the Corona virus, issues like Car parking have largely been overseen.

Smart Parking Solutions: Why We Need it Badly than Ever?

All things considered, with expanding population and heavy increase in car sales, alongside the restricted parking regions around, the situation seems like worsening around for everyone. So, the question is: is there something that can be done? Everything You Need to Know About Smart Parking Solutions. On a daily basis, most of us get to see a road clogged with vehicles attempting to get a parking spot, further resulting in the worsening of the overall issue.

Everything You Need to Know About Smart Parking Solutions

As per a recent study conducted by US institute of road traffic management, 30% of a country’s traffic is brought about by drivers effectively looking for a parking spot. In the US, drivers spend 17 hours on an average every year searching for parking. So, it can be said that an average individual is spending a whole lot of time in searching for a parking spot. Be that as it may, making additional parking spaces will not really address the situation in thickly populated urban communities.

Why Smart Parking Solutions are the Need of the Hour? Omri Shafran. PMS: The New Age Solution to Help With Your Parking Related Issues. Exceptionally progressive and highly innovative Parking Management Software (PMS) is very productive and strong to address the parking issues in random cities and countries around.

PMS: The New Age Solution to Help With Your Parking Related Issues

Utilizing this product, individuals can get profited with a high quality automated parking system and related benefits. Omri Shafran, CEO and founder of SureSpot, one of the most recognized automated parking access management firms around, talks about the key benefits of bringing PMS to work. While using this amazing software, your search related to the parking space won't be an issue any longer.

Furthermore, the similar task can be taken care in a more rapidly and precisely manner. Discussing the best advantages of PMS, omri shafran houston tx lays down the following key points in the same respect. Discussing the Core Elements of an Effective and Progressive Smart Parking System. Smart Parking solutions are surely the ideal way to deal with all the parking related issues across every city and country around.

Discussing the Core Elements of an Effective and Progressive Smart Parking System

With it, you can save some good time which was otherwise be getting spent on searching the parking lot, or managing the charges and tickets alongside. All things considered, it turns out to be quite worthwhile by paying nominal amounts to get access to a whole new world of progressive technology. Smart Parking Solutions: Why these Automated Parking Systems are Grabbing all the Headlines? Smart Parking accompanies the inclusion of constant information, high end sensors, and applications for permitting clients to gain admittance to technically monitored and managed parking spots.

Smart Parking Solutions: Why these Automated Parking Systems are Grabbing all the Headlines?

Semi Automated Parking System vs Fully Automated Parking System : Which One is Most Feasible for Your Parking Needs? How Smart Parking Solutions Can Act as a Game Changer in Car Parking Related Issues? Smart Parking Solutions: Everything You Want to Know About it! Smart Parking comes with the involvement of real-time data, low-cost sensors, and applications for allowing users to get access to monitoring available and unavailable parking spots.

Smart Parking Solutions: Everything You Want to Know About it!

How PS Can Help You Sort all those Car Parking Issues Around Your Vicinity? Highly advanced and innovative Parking Management Software (PMS) is quite efficient and supportive to resolve the parking issues in big and small cities.

How PS Can Help You Sort all those Car Parking Issues Around Your Vicinity?

Using this software, people can get benefitted with high end automated parking system and associated privileges. Omri Shafran, CEO and founder of SureSpot, one of the best automated parking access management companies out there, bring about the in depth analysis of PMS. With the help of this software, searching for a parking space won’t be a problem anymore. And yes, the same task can be finished more quickly and accurately.

Understanding the Concept of APS. What is the Use of Automated Parking Solutions? What is the Importance of Parking Equipments? All leading cities throughout the US are enhancing having a shortage of parking spaces. With more vehicles hitting the roads each year, there is a flourishing need to create the best out of the available space. This scheme calls for the newest technological solutions that would help manage parking lots and spaces better. There are numerous solutions available nowadays, that would bear out of the available area. There are numerous solutions available nowadays that would carry a smart system not only access the best use of space, but creates the procedure of managing and controlling, a much rapid and accurate operation.

What do You Mean by Car Parking Systems with Efficient Parking Solutions. The space on our earth is not going to enhance but the number of cars carrying on the roads certainly will. What we want are the parking systems that dominate these spaces for us in a more acceptable manner and use the limited space we have in the best possible manner. For the establishing communities where organizations are flourishing are expanding every day and almost every family owns more than one or two cars the desire for effective parking is more decided than it was a few years back.

The enhancement in the number of organizers of cars is arranging a problem for shopping plazas, organizations, and malls that are faced with the asserting of offering easy parking for their clients or employees as it directly with the obstructing with the sales output. Many companies are feeling the need to develop such parking software systems that make it accessible for their employees to stand their cars. What are the Benefits of Parking Management Software? Adequate and well developed Parking Management Software (PMS) will aid the parking personnel or those in allegation of parking system. It is importantly a solutions provider and aids the administrative personnel activate a multiple of assignments that they differently would have problem in performing. When it arrives to any service, a high level of quality is necessary for its achievement. How to Deal with Parking Issues? Omri Shafran Houston. Omri Shafran Houston TX. Omri Shafran Houston Texas. Omri shafran.