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Home - Documentation - Confluence. Linux Help - Mailman Setup Guide. Mailman Setup Guide by Joey.

Linux Help - Mailman Setup Guide

Created on April 30th, 2001. Last updated on September 19th 2003. For those of you who are interested in setting up a proper mailing list and cannot be bothered with the complex setup of MajorDomo. there is a simple solution, Mailman. There are a few requirements that must be met before you can proceed with the MailMan installation. You must have root access to the machine.Apache must be installed.Finally, you need a properly configured MTA (mail transport agent) like Sendmail, Exim or Qmail installed. Once all the requirements have met you should have a quick look at their MailMan FAQ. The file you'll want to download is mailman-2.1.2.tgz. Tar -zxvf mailman-2.1.2.tgz This will create a directory called mailman-2.1.2, in /usr/local/src. You will need to create a seperate user account on your system for MailMan to run as. Adduser mailman To set a password for this user you must run the following command as root: passwd mailman apache:x:503: .

IMAGE_LOGOS = '/images/' Instalar Mailman en un sistema Debian e integrarlo con Postfix. Vamos a ver cómo instalar Mailman, un potente gestor de listas de correo, mayoritariamente usado en la actualidad frente a otras alternativas como majordomo, en un sistema Debian (en mi caso Sarge), e integrándolo con el MTA Postfix.

Instalar Mailman en un sistema Debian e integrarlo con Postfix

Lo primero será por supuesto tener instalado y correctamente funcionando Postfix. Esa tarea será objeto de otro tutorial disponible en breve. En mi caso Postfix tira de MySQL para autentificación de usuarios y para saber a qué buzones debe entregar el correo virtual. El correo local utiliza el archivo de alias. Dicho ésto comenzamos: 1. . $ apt-get install mailman 2. . # Lenguaje por defecto, es=español, en=inglés DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE = 'es' # URL para acceder al interfaz web de mailman DEFAULT_URL = ' # Estos 3 valores los dejamos con el hostname DEFAULT_HOST_NAME = '' DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = '' DEFAULT_URL_HOST = '' # Rutas varias IMAGE_LOGOS = '/images/' DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = '

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess- intro. Tutorial written and contributed by Feyd, moderator of the JK Forum, with additions by

Comprehensive guide to .htaccess- intro

Please see tutorial footnote for additional/bio info on author. Last updated: Jan 18th, 06' for additional section. I am sure that most of you have heard of htaccess, if just vaguely, and that you may think you have a fair idea of what can be done with an htaccess file. You are more than likely mistaken about that, however. Regardless, even if you have never heard of htaccess and what it can do for you, the intention of this tutorial is to get you two moving along nicely together. If you have heard of htaccess, chances are that it has been in relation to implementing custom error pages or password protected directories.

An htaccess file is a simple ASCII file, such as you would create through a text editor like NotePad or SimpleText. .htaccess is the file extension. Now, onto the tasty morsels...

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