Omnet Manual
Omnet++ Simulator a public source, component based open architecture simulation with strong GUI to design discrete event system.
OMNET++ WIRELESS NETWORK SIMULATION – OMNeT++ Simulator. Void LineMobilityManager::handleMessage(cMessage * msg) { int msgKind = msg->getKind(); switch (msgKind) { trace() << “changed location(x:y:z) to ” << nodeLocation.x << “:” << nodeLocation.y << “:” << nodeLocation.z; break; } msg = NULL;}
OPENFLOW OMNETPP – OMNeT++ Simulator. OMNET++ WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator. Sample code for OMNET++ WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK PROJECTS: void ResourceManager::calculateEnergySpent() { if (remainingEnergy > 0) { simtime_t timePassed = simTime() – timeOfLastCalculation; trace() << “energy consumed in the last ” << timePassed << “s is ” <<(timePassed * currentNodePower); consumeEnergy(SIMTIME_DBL(timePassed * currentNodePower / 1000.0)); timeOfLastCalculation = simTime();
OMNET++ WIRELESS NETWORK SIMULATION – OMNeT++ Simulator. OMNET++ TUTORIAL FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK – OMNeT++ Simulator. OMNET++ VANET PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator. Sample code for VANET: void ChannelAccess::sendToChannel(cPacket *msg) { const NicEntry::GateList& gateList = cc->getGateList( getParentModule()->getId()); NicEntry::GateList::const_iterator i = gateList.begin(); if(useSendDirect){ if( i !
= gateList.end() ){ simtime_t delay = SIMTIME_ZERO; for(; i ! = –gateList.end(); ++i){ delay = calculatePropagationDelay(i->first); OMNeT++ SDN PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator. Sample code for SDN: void OFA_controller::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) { if (msg->isSelfMessage()) { cMessage *data_msg = (cMessage *) msg->getContextPointer(); delete msg; processQueuedMsg(data_msg); if (msg_list.empty()) { busy = false; } else { cMessage *msgfromlist = msg_list.front(); msg_list.pop_front(); char buf[80]; sprintf(buf, ” %d pakets in queue”, msg_list.size()); getParentModule()->getDisplayString().setTagArg(“t”, 0, buf); std::list::iterator i = msg_list.begin(); while (i!
=msg_list.end()) { EV << (*i)->getFullPath() << endl; i++; } cMessage *event = new cMessage(“event”); event->setContextPointer(msgfromlist); scheduleAt(simTime()+serviceTime, event); } } else { if (busy) { msg_list.push_back(msg); } else { busy = true; cMessage *event = new cMessage(“event”); event->setContextPointer(msg); scheduleAt(simTime()+serviceTime, event); } }} OMNET++ NETWORK PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator.
MANET (mobile Adhoc network): We developed more than 95+ projects in mobile Adhoc network which is a self configuring network composed of mobile routers connected by wireless links.
We form random topology by wireless link and mobility nodes. The topology changes in wireless network are happened unpredictably or randomly. We apply Manet for military conflicts, emergency medical application and natural and human induced clusters. OMNET++ WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator. NETWORK SECURITY OMNET++ PROJECTS – OMNeT++ Simulator. Wireless sensor network: We implement wireless sensor network from Springer paper which combine sensing, computation and communication into single device called sensor node.
We perform distributed sensing with group of sensor in wireless media. We develop various wireless sensor based application in OMNET++ environment.