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Softwaredevelopment, Learning, Qualitymanagement and all things "schauderhaft" In the projects I’m involved in we put a lot of energy into becoming agile.

Softwaredevelopment, Learning, Qualitymanagement and all things "schauderhaft"

This is often a tough fight because I work in an environment that is as anti agile as you can get. Just to give you a glimps at the mindset: They are proud of having the largest websphere installation in Europe. Anyway, we typically make some progress: Tearing down walls between developers and testers. Replacing multi year project plans with a living back log, people talking with each other instead of about each other. This kind of thing. But for me as a developer there seems to be a wall around our team. One thing to realize is: Most of these dragons aren’t dragons at all. Of course, as usual it is easy to blame it on the other guys. Let’s do a thought experiment: Imagine the boss of the boss of the highest level manager you normally talk to walks into your office and asks you to tell him whatever you think he needs to know. Probably not very high. And the key is to ask questions. Brian McCallister.

Ahmet Çığşar. Continuous Integration is Dead. A few days ago, my article "Why Continuous Integration Doesn’t Work" was published at

Continuous Integration is Dead

Almost the same day I received a few strongly negative critiques on Twitter. Here is my response to the un-asked question: Why the hell shouldn't continuous integration work, being such a brilliant and popular idea? Even though I have some experience in this area, I won't use it as an argument. I'll try to rely only on logic instead. BTW, my experience includes five years of using Apache Continuum, Hudson, CruiseControl, and Jenkins in over 50 open source and commercial projects. How Continuous Integration Should Work The idea is simple and obvious. The result is either "success" or "failure". This is the technical side of the problem. Let's see the organizational side. Continuous integration is not only a server that builds, but a management/organizational process that should "work". This is what doesn't work and can't work. Who Needs This? Who likes this continuous integration and who needs it? Search, IA, Visualizations, DevOps, and more.

Xavi Miró's Blog. The New Builder Pattern. The idea I like to create immutable objects, especially after reading Josh Bloch's excellent "Effective Java" book.

The New Builder Pattern

If an object is immutable, it has only one possible state and it is a stable one, so once you successfully build an object, you don't need to care about state transitions that can make your object unstable or corrupted. And immutable objects can be shared even in a multithreaded application. There are many other pros of immutability (you can read some of them here). There is a classical way of making immutable objects in Java which consists of making all fields final (and private, of course), using only constructors to modify them (so that the only moment when a field is modified is during its construction) and making the class final (to avoid adding "setter" methods to subclasses).

Public class Foo { private final String mandatoryOne;private final String mandatoryTwo;private final String optionalOne;private final String optionalTwo; The implementation public class ID3Tag { Rahien. Shortly after I decided to create myself a web site I'd a very annoying problem to solve.


The web site look & feel.I hope that I don't need to tell you how important that a site will have a recognizable and pleasing to the eye look. You can see that I pick a warm scheme for my site, simply because I like the colors.I don't like the cold color schemes, the blue on gray or the gray-scale sites may look proffesional, but I think that they lack life.There are many ways to create a color scheme, I simply choose a warm color (in thiscase FF9933 which translate to this color, and then I started playing, seeing what colors are working along with it. The result, if I say so myself, is quite pleasing to the eye.

But still, I needed one more quality for this to work. I needed a logo, this was terribly important to me, to get the logo exactly right.So I fire up Photoshop and after a couple of hours whipped a first proto-type: Now, this is nice. Still not good enough, though. Bjarne Stroustrup's Homepage. Hendry Luk — Sheep in Fence. Sebastiano Vigna. Welcome to A blog about Programming, Web Development, Technologies & Internet.