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Motivational articles

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14 Hard-Hitting Reasons Why You Must Start A Blog In College. If you’re not currently hooked up to an iron lung, you’ve probably heard and followed these two classic pieces of advice: Never get involved in a land war in AsiaNever go against a Sicilian when death is on the line These are fantastic pieces of wisdom to keep in mind if you’re currently interested in not dying.

14 Hard-Hitting Reasons Why You Must Start A Blog In College

I would also add to the list, “Press X to not die.” If you’ve already got the whole not dying thing down, and are now looking to do things like impress recruiters, build your resume, and learn new skills, then I have another piece of advice: You need to start a blog. Almost six years ago, Kelly Sutton (the guy who started HackCollege), posted an article about his own college blogging experience. “A well-formed blog is like a resume that’s constantly updating itself” Tweet This My experience reflects this quote perfectly. The Complete, Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Successful Blog. Caveat: if you are currently the undisputed ruler of a small European country, the following sentence may not apply to you.

The Complete, Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Successful Blog

You need to create your own blog. If you want to look good to recruiters, establish yourself as an expert, and help other people, then a blog can do nothing but good things for you. Luckily, the fact that you’re still reading after looking at this article’s headline means most of my work in convincing you is done. However, if you’re still unsure of whether or not you should create a blog, go read 14 Hard-Hitting Reasons Why You Must Create a Blog in College. Then come back here. This guide will take you through the entire process of creating a successful blog. Teaching qualifications: I’m from the internet Why go to all the effort of creating this guide? Simple. Blogging has made me a decidedly better writer. Every time I went to an interview during college, I’d bring an iPad along and show the interviewer College Info Geek.

The Planning Phase A quote: Choosing Your Topic. Write Epic Shit. A reader asked me on Twitter the other day if I would start writing more traffic-building tips here.

Write Epic Shit

The implication was that I haven’t been publishing content that will directly help you build a bigger online audience. I think it’s time again to clear something up here. If you’re looking for the same ineffective/unimaginative/played-out tips on using social media more effectively, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Other blogs and social media “experts” will tell you that if you just learn how to use Twitter better or create a great Facebook fan page, you’ll become rich and famous or whatever. Sorry, but that’s simply wrong, and not what this site is all about. Don’t just take my word for it. I’ve been talking with some of the smartest, most popular and successful people online lately. Guess what percentage of our conversations so far have been spent discussing promotional strategies. The answer? So, what is the other 80% of building a popular site about? Proof that Epic Works. Some powerful thoughts. 57 startup lessons.

I am a cofounder of RethinkDB — an open-source distributed database designed to help developers and operations teams work with unstructured data to build real-time applications.

57 startup lessons

There are already very good lists of startup lessons written by really talented, experienced people (here and here). I’d like to add another one. I learned these lessons the hard way in the past four years. The 5 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself The Moment You Wake Up. The alarm goes off and our first thoughts are negative; waking up is a chore.

The 5 Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself The Moment You Wake Up

Instead of angrily kicking off our sheets or pressing the snooze button for the fourth time, we need to reassess our attitudes in the first minutes of our days. We need to wake up with more proactive mindsets. These are the five questions you should be asking yourself the moment you open your eyes: 1. What Am I Grateful For Today? Instead of getting up every morning and first thinking about what you want — breakfast, coffee, another 10 minutes of sleep — think about what it is that you are grateful for. 5 Leadership Tips From John F. Kennedy’s Darkside. Forget the bold words and speeches of John F.

5 Leadership Tips From John F. Kennedy’s Darkside

Kennedy. Let’s look at his actions. John F. Kennedy undoubtedly holds an allure over Americans as the young, attractive Catholic that presided over “Camelot” and fought for the ideals of a new generation. But his dark traits have also been well established over the last 40 years. Here are 5 positive takeaways from the dark side of John F. 1. “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”- John F. It was his defining characteristic. 2. John F. 3. “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’