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Radioactive (Cover) Imagine Dragons- Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix. Thrift Shop - Lindsey Stirling & Tyler Ward (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Cover) Zelda Violin Duet. River Flows In You- Lindsey Stirling. Celtic Carol. Skyrim- Peter Hollens & Lindsey Stirling. Spontaneous Me. We Found Love- Lindsey Stirling- VenTribe. Electric Daisy Violin. Mission Impossible- Lindsey Stirling and the Piano Guys. Lord of the Rings Medley. Grenade- Bruno Mars (feat. Lindsey Stirling, Alex Boye', & the Salt Lake Pops) Phantom of the Opera.

Game of Thrones cover- Lindsey Stirling & Peter Hollens. Assassin's Creed III. By No Means-Eppic feat. Lindsey Stirling. Zelda Medley- Lindsey Stirling. What Child is This. Song of the Caged Bird. Moon Trance. On the Floor Take Three. Elements- Dubstep Violin. Transcendence Music Video. Starships- Nicki Minaj (Cover) Lindsey Stirling and Megan Nicole.