Web Hosting Services From Qatar. Route Customer Needs Through A Data Centre In Qatar. Corresponding With A Data Centre In Qatar From Another Country. Cloud Providers In Qatar Can Help You With Storage And Security Needs. Rely On Managed Infrastructure Services Behind The Scenes To Run Your Business. Streamline Your Key Processes With SAP Business One – Qatar. Having the ability to work together collaboratively is a huge part of every business.
If your company is not all on the same page, it can inhibit your ability to function properly. Today, there are several software and cloud options available that allow employees to access important information properly. However, implementing these programs for your company can be challenging if you do not have a team in place that can do so. Get Professional Help Choosing Web Hosting Providers. Your online presence is one of the most important parts of your company today.
With even more uncertainty when it comes to companies being opened in person, your online presence is even more critical. Of course, if you do not have a quality website that is bringing in new potential customers, you are at a disadvantage. You will want to ensure that your company has a quality website that is supported by a server that fits your needs. If you need help ensuring your web hosting is adequate and fits your needs, you will want to work with an IT company that can assist you. A great company that provides web hosting services is Oman Data Park. When you work with Oman Data Park, you will be able to buy a reliable and secure web hosting platform from their online marketplace.
Get Professional Help With Your Virtual Cloud Server. The cloud has helped companies expand substantially and continues to help businesses reach new heights.
If you are not utilizing a cloud server for your brand, you are at a disadvantage. There is a good chance that your competitors are already using a cloud server properly and expanding their business. Colocation Services At Oman Data Park. Infrastructure as a Service. • 12000 Sq. ft.
Data Centre • 192 Rack Tier III compliant facility • 1600 kw UPS power • 2664 kw of precision cooling with unique chimney based racks • 4200 kw of generator power with capacity to run 72 hrs. at full load • Primary cooling via Tabreed district cooling scalable up to twice the design capacity. • Back-up cooling provided by dual chillers exclusive to our Data Centre • N+N redundant down-flow cooling provided by state of the art air handling units • The complete cooling facility is monitored in real time using Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) • MEDC dual feed with standby transformer exclusive to our Data Centre • N+N arrangement on UPS to sockets feeding racks • N+1 arrangement Generator backing up whole factory designed over 72 hrs mains failure. • Power feed to racks via Dual Busbar with options of single phase 16 amps up to 3 phase 63 amps.
Corresponding With A Data Centre In Qatar From Another Country. Cloud Providers In Qatar Can Help You With Storage And Security Needs. Web Hosting Services From Oman Data Park. Cloud Services From Oman Data Park. Free Up Your IT Team, Sign Up For Managed Network Services – Qatar. June 2, 2020 — Your network infrastructure is extremely vital to your company as a whole but can be challenging for you to manage on your own.
While you may have a great IT team, they often cannot handle everything your company needs, and finding experts who specialize in managing your network service may not be possible. Get Cloud Capabilities For Your Company With Linux Hosting – Qatar. June 2, 2020 — Giving your company cloud capabilities is one of the most important things you can do to advance your brand technologically.
If you do not have cloud capabilities, you are at a disadvantage compared to your competitors. When you decide to add cloud storage options to your company, you want to guarantee you are working with a company that provides safe quality service. It can be difficult to find a cloud server that you can trust with your valuable information and company needs. If you have been researching cloud capabilities, there is a good chance that you have run into the Linux hosting platform.
Where To Register Domain Names – Qatar. June 2, 2020 — Your online presence is extremely important and something you should take great pride in.
If you have yet to start your website, you should look into doing so as soon as possible. A major part of creating your online presence is getting a domain registered for your company. Of course, you want to go through a quality website when it comes to purchasing your domain and using it effectively. SAP Business One In Qatar Can Help Your Business Operate Efficiently. Top-Notch Web Hosting In Qatar Without The Expense. Excellent Backup And Disaster Recovery Services In Qatar. Managed Network Services You Can Count On. What To Expect With Bare Metal Cloud Servers. Oman Data Park Offers Reliable Cloud Service At Par With International Standards. July 1, 2020 — Working with a leading data center can be beneficial to you when it comes to managing your tech and business needs.
There are times when it is not possible to oversee your technology on your own and employing skilled professionals who can manage your IT service for you is perfect. Then again, not all data centers are created equal, and you will want to look for someone in your location that can benefit you. An excellent company for those based in and around Qatar is Oman Data Park. The reputable company was founded in 2012 and successfully became the Sultanate’s leading IT Managed Service provider. Oman Data Park (ODP) presents clientele with superior virtual data center services, security, hosting, and cloud services through their locally hosted Tier 3 certified data centers.
Currently, the company now serves over five-hundred international and local corporations from small to mid-tier and large companies. Oman Data Park A Leading Web Hosting Provider That Ensure Your Data Is Safe And Secure At Its State Of The Art Data Centers. Oman Data Park’s Web Hosting Service Is The Best Choice For Your Linux Operating Systems In Qatar. July 1, 2020 — As one of the most prominent IT service companies based in Qatar, Oman Data Park (ODP) has established itself as a leader in its field.
Founded in 2012, the company has successfully earned itself a stellar reputation and is known as the Sultanate’s premier Managed Services Provider. ODP was established with a dream of transforming the future. Currently, the company now serves over five-hundred international and local corporations. The company’s prominence continues to grow locally and internationally amongst large, mid-tier, and small companies as clientele are advocating their innovative products and excellent services.
Through their high-tech facilities, proficiency, and ground-breaking solutions ODP is passionate to provide premium IT service with the highest standards of responsiveness, security, and reliability. You wouldn’t want to erect a home on an unstable foundation, and neither should you put up a website with an inferior host behind you. Conveniently Access Information With Cloud File Sharing. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Providers From Oman Data Park. Disaster Recovery as a Service enables the continuation of your business operations in the face of unforeseen events, natural or man-made disasters.
Our DRaaS solutions are designed to meet your specific needs, offering a 30% Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to in-house DR solutions, with multiple compliant DR zones and much more: Our value proposition for DRaaS services includes, • Designed and customized Service Level Agreement (SLA) and 24×7 x365 support. • Bandwidth services required for the replication including Internet, as well as a leased Line or MPLS services required for your DR environment. • Quick and Easy deployment. • Hybrid investment models : Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) or Operational Expenditure (OPEX) or both. • Infrastructure choice between shared or dedicated, as well as interconnectivity between our KOM4 and DUQM Data Centers.
For more information visit or contact us on 95103676. Our value proposition for DRaaS services includes, Managed Private Cloud And Infrastructure Solutions From Oman Data Park. Get the control, security, efficiency & privacy of the private cloud, with a dedicated cloud based datacenter accessible by a single organization. Our private cloud offering is available as a Managed Private Cloud "by ODP" or Self-Managed - Private Cloud "by the client". Loading... View Count: 13. What To Expect With Bare Metal Cloud Servers.
Managed Network Services You Can Count On. Top Notch Web Hosting In Qatar Without The Expense. Excellent Backup And Disaster Recovery Services In Qatar. Affordable Linux Web Hosting Service By Oman Data Park. Host Your Website On Windows With Oman Data Park. Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) At Oman Data Park. Whether it is a Cold or a Hot standby servers your business demands; ODP has the solution for you, all delivered from our Tier III Data Centers. Our DRaaS solutions are designed to meet your specific needs, offering a 30% Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to in-house DR solutions, with multiple compliant DR zones and much more: Zero Data Loss Guaranteed data integrity Guaranteed Uptime Ensures business continuity Single Click Recovery Defined RTO and RPO Complete Ownership & Security Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) enables the continuation of your business operations in the face of unforeseen events, natural or man-made disasters.
It supports your business continuity and improves your compliance with good governance and audit requirements. To request a free quote. Whether it is a Cold or a Hot standby servers your business demands; ODP has the solution for you, all delivered from our Tier III Data Centers. Managed Private Cloud And Infrastructure Solutions At Oman Data Park. Self-Managed Private Cloud Optimized for Mission-Critical Applications: Ensuring Mission Critical Applications, translates into a solution with high availability, optimized operations, and scaling on demand. Automation: offers users a self-service model, while ensuring rapid and uniform provisioning with fewer errors. The monitoring and reporting provided through automation can also help during compliance audits. Dedicated Resources: Ensures a high performance compute, a high level of security & control, and allows you to address your security and compliance requirements.
Flexible Adoption: Tailoring the solutions to your specific needs, and the availability of pre-configured templates that can be made ready for quick use. For Small Business At Oman Data Park. Managed Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting. • Increase or decrease capacity within minutes, not hours or days. . • Control and scale depending on your application or business needs. • Complete control of your instances, including root access. • Ability to halt and initiate any instance while retaining the data on the boot partition, and then subsequently restart the same instance using web service APIs. • Reboot instances remotely using web service APIs. • Access to your console output. • Options of multiple instance types, operating systems, and software packages.
Acronis Backup Cloud Solutions From Oman Data Park. Cloud BackUp Solutions From Oman Data Park. Fully Managed SSL Certificates - SSL COMODO - SSL SYMANTEC - SSL THAWTE - SSL TRUSTWAVE For Businesses In Qatar. Detect, Predict & Act - Risk Foresight - RMaaS - CMaaS - FMaaS Services From Oman Data Park In Qatar. Fully Managed Threat Intelligence Services For IT Service Providers In Qatar. Fully Managed Vulnerability Assessment Services From Oman Data Park. April 24, 2020 — In the business world, there are times when you have to see the future before it even happens. You have to make it your goal to keep things running smoothly and ensure everything is as safe as possible for your brand. While no one can predict everything that may happen, there are ways that you can ensure that your brand is safe. When it comes to technology, having the right safe holds in place can stop your business from being at unnecessary risks online.
Fully Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) Services From Oman Data Park. April 24, 2020 — When you build a business, a major part of this is protecting your location and making sure your company is secure. We add locks on the doors, maybe a fence, security cameras, alarm systems, etc. ensuring that no one enters that is not welcome. However, when companies are building their online presence the same level of security is often not installed. Your online presence needs just as much protection as your physical presence, guaranteeing that those who should not enter are not able to.
Fully Managed Web Application Security Assessment Services In Qatar. April 24, 2020 — Your web applications are a great way to reach new customers and enhance your online presence. However, when you begin to add new web applications online, you also increase the chances that you may be hacked or be subjected to unwanted phishing attacks. These attacks can lead to your valuable information getting stolen, lost money, and a lowered reputation. This is why it is important to know any risks your applications may be vulnerable to and making changes to these risks before hacking happens.
Bare Metal Cloud Server Provider. Connect Securely with ODP servers & devices within your environment via integration with Cloud Networks & ODP VPN Connect. Boot Faster with more local storage & improved reliability and uptime, with RAID 1 mirrored boot devices that are hot-swappable with the capacity of storage your application needs to run. Integrate easily with Bare Metal Cloud Servers with public, private clouds and dedicated servers using ODP VPN Connect or Bridge Connect. Managed Network Services For Oman & Qatar.
Proactive Monitoring of the Network Infrastructure Fault monitoring provides proactive fault alerts, identification, and isolation for faster response and fault resolution. Performance monitoring offers real-time and historical information on device resource utilization and performance. Fully Managed SSL Certificates SSL COMODO SSL SYMANTEC SSL THAWTE SSL TRUSTWAVE For Businesses In Qatar. Detect, Predict & Act Risk Foresight RMaaS CMaaS FMaaS Services From Oman Data Park In Qatar. What Is Managed Security Awareness? What Is Security Information And Event Management? March 27, 2020 — Staying up to date on the latest technology for your company can be challenging because information is constantly changing. Even if you have a quality IT team in place, they may not be trained or have the equipment necessary to service your company fully. For example, SIEM is a new term that many do not know about but is becoming increasingly important in today’s world.
What Is Network Zero Day Attack Prevention? March 27, 2020 — Unfortunately, hackers have become more and more stealthy over time and continue to grow in capabilities. What Is Mobile Application Security Assessment? March 27, 2020 — For your company to be successful today, you must have an online presence. More and more often, companies are creating apps for their company that clients can utilize. What Is Managed Network Security Services? Managed Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting From Oman Data Park. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) uses virtualization software to partition physical servers into multiple virtual servers, each having the ability to run its own. Managed Network Services For Qatar From Oman Data Park.
What Is Managed Security Awareness? What Is Managed Network Security Services? There are Many Benefits to Operations Through a Data Center in Qatar. A Guide to Cyber Security Drill Testing. OmanDataPark — What is Managed Cloud-Based Anti-SPAM Protection? A Guide To Oman Data Park's Managed Cloud Services. Web Business Builder For Startups, Small And Medium Business, And Corporates. Where To Get Nebula - Managed Cloud Services In Qatar? Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) Providers for Qatar. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) There are Many Benefits to Operations Through a Data Center in Qatar. A Guide to Cyber Security Drill Testing. Infrastructure as a Service. Secure, Fast & Reliable Cloud Service From OmanDataPark. Domain Registration Oman & Qatar. Omandatapark Provides LINUX Web Hosting And WINDOWS Web Hosting. Get The Latest Technology And Security With A Virtual Private Server (VPS) Form Omandatapark.
Colocation Data Center Provider. Bare Metal Cloud Server Providers for Oman & Qatar. Get The Control & Privacy Of The Private Cloud, With A Dedicated Cloud Based Datacenter. What is Penetration Testing. Microsoft Azure VS Microsoft Azure Stack. Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) From Oman Data Park. Managed IT Service Provider - Qatar. Cloud Service Providers. Managed IT Service Provider In Qatar. Managed Data Centre Services In Qatar. Data Centre In Qatar. Linux Hosting Qatar. Cloud Providers Qatar.