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10/13/14 - Develoment of Atlantic Hurricane Force low, Hurricane Fay, & Hurricane Gonzalo. Atlantic Cyclogenesis: Birth of a Superstorm. Nature as Art.

Atlantic Cyclogenesis: Birth of a Superstorm

The animated birth, or cyclogenesis, of an Atlantic superstorm pieced together from satellite scans. This fascinating video shows not only the development of the large scale low that'll be bringing surf to the whole of west facing Europe over the next few days, but also the remnants of Hurricanes Fay and a fledgling Hurricane Gonzalo. It's a sublime concept - that tiny perturbations in fault line between warm and cold air can build and grow into something at such macro scale that it pushes the limits of our technology to be able to even visualise it.

This giant storm then creates thousands of waves of energy which, back on the micro scale, will tuck into every west facing European beach and cove as breaking waves. From the romantic to the practical; this storm is looking like great news for surfers, albeit with some issues. The issues are it's proximity to the Western European coastline and the south westerly air flow that'll create. The storm as we write. Hero 4. Olivier Desbiey sur Twitter : "New #GoPro Cameras -> A Surfer's Guide by @MagicSeaWeed #surf... NEW GoPro Cameras - A Surfer's Guide. GoPro are refreshing their lineup of action sports cameras in revolutionary fashion.

NEW GoPro Cameras - A Surfer's Guide

If you're in the market for your first GoPro, or just looking to upgrade, the decision should be a little easier for you this time around. Three new cameras have been announced, the Hero 4 Black edition, Hero 4 Silver edition and the budget friendly GoPro Hero. This last option at sub £100 ($130) is the value proposition and priced to compete with the cheap and nasty GoPro clones we have seen flooding the market from Asia. The specifications of the various different cameras can be a bit overwhelming for the average prospective GoPro user so we've produced a handy reference table of the key features: The table is split into three sections, video, photo and connectivity, we'll break down how you'll use the camera in each area and where the benefits lie for surfers so you can more easily figure out your best option. The video breakdown Most of the guys in the office use their GoPros for video over stills.

Olivier Desbiey sur Twitter : "#Surf Ça sent bon la fin de semaine pour le #QuikPro . Poké @davidmichel_ @floresjeremy ~@magicseaweed. Quik Pro France Kicks Off, Top 34 Take Off. Laurent sur Twitter : ""Un complexe de #surf en 2016 à @20Minutes de Paris"... Matahai Drollet Teahupoo, 9/11/14 RED Epic camera, no sound. Watch at 1080 resolution. Olivier Desbiey on Twitter: "#Surf #Teahupoo privatisée pour le tournage de Point Break 2 en plein #CodeRed #LuckyYouBodhi. Teahupoo “privatisé” pour tourner Point Break 2.

Olivier Desbiey on Twitter: "Commander sa pizza depuis le tube de la vague de #Teahupoo , c'est possible selon Visa. #surf. Kolohe Wants Pizza. Culture | posted on September 08, 2014 // “But can Kolohe Andino really pay for pizza inside one of the heaviest waves in the world?”

Kolohe Wants Pizza

— Morgan Freeman, VISA commercial, 9/7/14 I think it’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves for some time now. Then, slightly bigger Kolohe qualified for the major leagues, joining the WCT ranks in 2012, and right off the bat, I think we all asked ourselves the same question: “Can Kolohe order a pizza from behind the rock at Snapper? Now, full-grown Kolohe, euro goatee and everything, is in full-flight as a marketable surf professional, and again, the questions.

It was a great question. Turns, out, if that ad can be believed, and I’ll just assume that it can and ignore the small print at the bottom of the screen, Kolohe can indeed order pizza from inside the barrel at Teahupoo. Ah, but the big question that you may be asking yourself. Admit it, you’d have jumped at the chance to make that commercial. Olivier Desbiey sur Twitter : Insideview yersteday @ Hossegor La Nord #Surf... Olivier Desbiey on Twitter: #Santocha on fire #Surf #Capbreton... Olyvyer : #Surf Sympa l'article de ... Olyvyer : Magique ... Watch: Surfing, Like Never Before. Olyvyer : Ma version #surf du symbole ... Home - Create Airbnb. 2014 J-Bay Open. Olyvyer : Du #Surf Urbain en Allemagne ... O'Neill - Munich City Surf. Olyvyer : LE RÊVE Le #Surf (le vrai) ... Code & Surf Camp - Le Wagon. Olyvyer : Le génial Fred Compagnon qui ... Fred Compagnon. AirDog - World's first auto-follow action sports drone. AirDog - World's first auto-follow action sports drone.

Robertsurfer : Le son des vagues c'est une ......... Olyvyer : #Surf #Seignosse Inside view... Best of April: The Month’s Top Shots. Olyvyer : Inside view this morning #surf... Photos du journal - Baptiste Haugomat photography. Ibogalito : Nouvelle grosse session #surf... La planche Mercedes, Web plus ultra. Andrew Cotton at Nazaré Feb.2 - 2014 Ride of the Year Entry - Billabong XXL Big Wave Awards.

ZON North Canyon - 2 de Fevereiro 2014. Olyvyer : #Surf Un nouveau record pour... Atlantic Storm Take Two. Surfers itching for another opportunity to see those normally dormant spots lit up by Hercules-esque fire might not have long to wait.

Atlantic Storm Take Two

In its evolution Take Two is a very different storm but the results: massive swell and gale force winds coupled with huge spring tides make for a similarly apocalyptic vibe. However, in general, this is not a good storm for surfing anything but the most tucked away of locations. Both storms offer big black blobs on the swell chart just west of the United Kingdom, but the differences are worth exploring: Hercules began life on the US East Coast, rapidly intensifying as it moved out of Canadian waters and it grew into a monster spanning the whole North Atlantic. Pushing east at the perfect speed to continue to build energy into the swell it was characterised not just by huge peak sea heights, but by an incredible peak period and consistent, sustained winds. Jaws vu du ciel. Avec une GoPro et un drone, on obtient la vidéo de surf la plus épique qui soit. Billabong XXL - Photos du journal.

Justine Ryst. 2013 Billabong Pipe Masters in Memory of Andy Irons. 'Black Friday' Banzai Pipeline. Des cours de surf pour améliorer son bien-être. BIEN-ÊTRE - Il n'y a pas de saison pour faire du surf.

Des cours de surf pour améliorer son bien-être

Surtout si vous êtes en dépression... Au Royaume-Uni, le système de la santé publique (National Health Service, NHS) a débloqué £10.000 (environ 12.000 euros) pour aider les jeunes à lutter contre la dépression, l'autisme, le manque d'estime de soi... par la pratique du surf. Pour s'inscrire au Wave Project, rapportent nos confrères du Huffington Post UK, il faut être âgé de 8 à 21 ans et être recommandé par son école, les services sociaux ou par exemple, une association caritative pour le deuil. Pour l'instant, les résultats sont très positifs. Pourquoi ça marche? Lire aussi: » VIDEOS. "Ce qui est super, c'est que ça n'a pas l'air d'être une thérapie pour ces jeunes, mais il y a des principes thérapeutiques derrière, comme la réduction de l'anxiété, la promotion de la confiance et du bien-être", explique Joe Taylor, qui a dirigé le projet.

Deux docteurs volontaires, Laura Bond et Sarah Colpus, ont étudié ce projet. Greatest Moments - Moche Rip Curl Pro Portugal 2013. Photos du journal. Quiksilver Pro France 2013 - Official Teaser. Surfing the Heaviest Wave in the World - Teahupoo. Quiksilver's post on Vine. Photos du journal. La première conférence mer et santé se prépare. N mars prochain, Guillaume Barucq fêtera les cinq ans de surf prévention, site Web désormais incontournable pour des milliers d’internautes sensibles au thème de la « surf thérapie ».

La première conférence mer et santé se prépare

Pour alimenter son blog, Guillaume Barucq défriche depuis plusieurs années les articles scientifiques liés à la mer et à la santé. C’est ainsi qu’il a rencontré le docteur Dominique Hoareau, qui a publié récemment « Les Thérapies marines » et « Nutrithérapie marine » (aux éditions Piktos), ainsi qu’une somme sur la « Thalassothérapie » (éditions Chiron). « Cette rencontre et d’autres découvertes m’ont convaincu de la pertinence d’organiser une conférence internationale sur la mer et la santé. Et aujourd’hui, j’ai le bonheur de confirmer qu’elle se tiendra les vendredi 4 et samedi 5 octobre au centre Bellevue.

La Ville de Biarritz a décidé de soutenir l’événement, ainsi que plusieurs autres partenaires, dont les Laboratoires de Biarritz. » Des algues qui soignent. Belharra : ils ont surfé la Montagne Basque à la rame ! AccueilEditoSurf préventionSurf prévisionInterviewsDécouvrir le surfSurf tripPublicitéPartenairesContact Belharra : ils ont surfé la Montagne Basque à la rame ! Posté par Surf dans ACTUALITES, Belharra, Surfer sur la Côte Basque le 16 décembre 2012 23:23 / 43 commentaires L’année 2012 allait se terminer sans que Belharra n’ait été surfable une seule fois. Hossegor (La Graviere) Surf Report. Vidéo Golgot's Podcast - Episode 2 : Hegal Egin. AlanaRblanchard : A shot from last night on my...

Live - Quiksilver Pro France 2012. Quiksilver Events Official Website. Victoire de @michelspartan contre Brett Simpson au round 3. L. Photo by olyvyer. Quiksilver Pro France 2012 - Day 1 Highlights. Live - Quiksilver Pro France 2012. Vive la France, par la French Connexion. Vive la France, par la French Connexion Le meilleur de la France, par les meilleurs Français.

Vive la France, par la French Connexion

Point barre. Broadcast Yourself. Olivier @ Seignosse Le Penon. Surfer la Vie : le nouveau livre de Joël de Rosnay. Session surf en Aquitaine - La côte des spots. Session surf en Aquitaine - Les Tontons Surfeurs. Session surf en Aquitaine - Les Tontons Surfeurs. Street View says "aloha" from Hawaii. Before joining Google, I lived in Hawaii for several years.

Street View says "aloha" from Hawaii

Now, one look at a photo of palm trees swaying in front of an impossibly blue-green ocean transports me back to the islands—relaxing on the beach and listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. If one photo can do that for you, how would you feel if you had access to millions of them? View Larger MapThe Kohala coast on the Big Island of Hawaii Our newly expanded Street View coverage of six of Hawaii’s islands enables you to take a virtual vacation to paradise.

Explore panoramic imagery of local beach parks, tropical rainforests, volcanic lava fields, oceanfront resorts and more. Oahu We begin our island adventure on Oahu, home to the capital city of Honolulu and a number of popular destinations. View Larger MapKualoa Ranch on the island of Oahu View Larger MapThe “Road to Hana” on the island of Maui View Larger MapHawaii Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island Molokai Over on Molokai, people enjoy the quiet life. Two-year-old stoke. Suicide surfers: Adrenaline junkies risk their lives trying to ride a wave perilously close to a pier off the Cornish south coast. By Phil Vinter Published: 02:17 GMT, 1 May 2012 | Updated: 08:02 GMT, 1 May 2012 Surfers are known for going to extreme lengths in search of that perfect wave, but these adrenaline junkies really pushed things to the limit when they risked their lives by Newlyn Pier off the south coast of Cornwall.

Suicide surfers: Adrenaline junkies risk their lives trying to ride a wave perilously close to a pier off the Cornish south coast

While many were bemoaning the heavy rainfalls and high winds this pair of daredevils took to the sea. In flippers and a wetsuit the daring duo paddled their boogie boards to within just a few metres of a pier as high winds generated huge swells in the cold waters. These pictures capture the moment a huge wave reminds the pair of the power of nature by throwing them up in the air as it sweeps through before hitting the pier. The dramatic photos show just how lucky the pair were to avoid being smashed into the nearby wall. Gnarly: A surfer is thrown into the air as he is hit by a wave dangerously close to the pier off the South Cornwall coast.

Another killing feature from @magicseaweed: "set dectect. Vers une révolution du skim ? Vers une révolution du skim ?

Vers une révolution du skim ?

Le Floridien Brad Domke repousse les limites de la petite planche en bois en allant chercher les vagues à la rame avant d'enchainer les aerials, big spins et autres tubes de 2 mètres...bluffant ! Publié le 18 avril 2012 Voilà qui devrait bouleverser sérieusement notre perception du skim.


Prévisions & Cartographie. When Surf meets Technology & … Joël de Rosnay. Equipements 2.0. Vagues d'eau douce.