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Because Recollection. GIF DANCE PARTY. 20+ Cute And Funny Puns By Arseniic. Puns are a popular topic for illustrators because they offer fun and diverse topics to draw and because they're cute and clever. Monika, the US-based artist behind the Tumblr “Pundemonium,” is the latest artist to succumb to their charm by drawing tons of cute pun illustrations that her followers love. Monika's not the only artist to love drawing puns.

Sophie Corrigan, Nabhan Abdullatif and Lim Heng Swee are a few other artists featured by Bored Panda whose pun illustrations have delighted the Internet. More info: | Tumblr (h/t: demilked) Show 6 more. So close... 555.gif (300×399) These Were The First Photos To Show America's Landscapes In All Their Vivid Colors. Even before color photography was publicly available, one enterprising firm found a way to provide the world with the earliest glimpse of North America's extraordinary landscapes in color. These intricately-colored images, shared by private collector Marc Walter in the upcoming book "An American Odyssey," were originally published by the Detroit Publishing Company in a collection that spans from 1888 to 1924.

The firm took black and white negatives and imbued them with color via a newly-invented printing process called photocrom, to which it obtained exclusive rights in America. The 1901 catalog boasts that the photocrom prints "combine the truthfulness of a photograph with the color and richness of an oil painting or the delicate tinting of the most exquisite water color. " From the buzz of New York City to the expansive canyons of Arizona, the collection provides a fascinating glimpse into America's past, in all its vibrancy. Marc Walter / Taschen Mulberry Street, New York.

Taschen. 29 Hilarious True Facts About Life. The A-Z Of Dance: Just Watching Will Make You Sweat. That's right bro. Singing Horses. Manele.Gif. Impressive Stone Sculptures by Hirotoshi Itoh. Au cours de ses ballades le long des rivières, l’artiste japonais Hirotoshi Itoh ramasse des pierres qu’il trouve pour ensuite les détourner en œuvre d’art, travaillant la matière pour lui donner une toute autre utilités. Des créations impressionnantes de cet artiste diplomé du Tokyo National Fine Arts University en 1982. If I pretend I'm asleep he can't leave... Bicycle tricks from the 1950s.

The latest health trend: The Russian diet. Step 1: Look this for a 30 seconds. Step 2: Look your keyboard. Congratulation, you are high. Cholafied. Goat attacks People on the Street. MADDIE THE COONHOUND. This Dog Can Stack Anything On His Head. You’ll Die Laughing At What His Owner Has Tried…LOL. AN ENTIRE LAPTOP? This talented guy deserves a treat! Share this with everyone who is a "dog person! "