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TRUCO: Cómo centrar un elemento HTML con CSS - Blog de José Manuel Alarcón Aguín en (alternativo a - Geeks•ms. En mi opinión la combinación HTML+CSS es un verdadero infierno. Es para volverse loco como el de la foto. Y si le añades JavaScript no te quiero ni contar. Y no debería ser así. Hay muchas cosas que debes hacer normalmente y que deberían ser muuuuy fáciles, pero CSS las convierte en algo complicadísimo. Por ejemplo lo que me ocupa hoy: si quiero que un elemento de mi página aparezca centrado dentro de su elemento padre ¿por qué no puedo poner simplemente un atributo “centered:true;” o algo así?. Bien es cierto que no soy un super-experto en CSS y que además lo que de verdad convierte el trabajo Web en un infierno son los navegadores y sus pequeñas sutilezas y diferencias a la hora de cumplir (o no) los estándares.

Bueno, a lo que íbamos, que me disperso… Si tienes que conseguir que un elemento de tu página se centre automáticamente en la misma lo que tienes que hacer es aplicarle un estilo como este: ¡No me funciona en Internet Explorer! Bueno en realidad lo que pasa es otra cosa. ¡Eh! Taller de Adobe Dreamweaver: Divisores y estilos CSS (3) ¡Hola, bienvenidos a la tercer clase del Taller de Adobe Dreamweaver sobre divisores y estilos CSS! Seguro este es uno de los temas que más les interesa, dado que se trata de la base del diseño actual de sitios web.

Pero a la vez es bastante complejo (no difícil), así que ¡a practicar! Jejeje ^_^. Hoy explicaremos el código CSS que vimos la clase pasada, parte por parte. Luego ustedes pueden hacer su propio diseño en Dreamweaver. ¡Comencemos! La clase pasada vimos este fragmento de código CSS: Ahora nos toca lo difícil, que es justamente comprenderlo. Veamos: En principio, dejemos de lado la etiqueta <style></style> para lo último y empecemos con el <div>(nota1)</div> Dentro de la etiqueta propia del divisor, tenemos definidos varios estilos: Luego tenemos una etiqueta <img /> la cual va a contener el logo de elwebmaster y tiene los siguientes estilos y propiedades. Estilos Propiedades Seguimos: Ahora tenemos el título dentro del <h1> ¡¡¡Y ahora, la hora de la verdad!!! Conclusión ¡Saludos! CSS Tools: Reset CSS. The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on.

The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others. The reset styles given here are intentionally very generic. There isn't any default color or background set for the body element, for example. In other words, this is a starting point, not a self-contained black box of no-touchiness. If you want to use my reset styles, then feel free! Previous Versions v1.0 (200802) Acknowledgments Thanks to Paul Chaplin for the blockquote / q rules. Use CSS Diagnostics with Stylish to find bad HTML | 456 Berea St. A while ago I mentioned Obtrusive JavaScript Checker and Inline Code Finder as useful quality assurance tools that will help you find potentially obtrusive JavaScript and CSS. A similar approach to checking HTML quality is using CSS to highlight invalid or deprecated code, which I talked about in Helping your client maintain markup quality.

In that post I mentioned Marco Battilana’s Big Red Angry Text and Eric Meyer’s Diagnostic Styling. Both articles contain examples of stylesheets that will highlight problematic HTML. Neal Grosskopf has taken the concept a step further and created a diagnostic stylesheet that highlights, among other things, deprecated and proprietary elements and attributes. He describes his stylesheet in A Second Look At CSS Diagnostics. Including a diagnostic stylesheet works fine for sites that you develop and have write access to. Most used CSS tricks.

Earlier before I have written an article about current best CSS hacks which you can see here And now here’s the list of today’s most used CSS tricks – tips. I have added image examples for most of them because of critics on CSS hacks article. If you think I have missed any please let me know 1. Rounded corners without images 2. Style your order list 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CSS Tools: Diagnostic CSS. Validation is great, but it won't catch everything. For example, if you have a link where you forgot to add a URL value to the href attribute, the validator won't complain. The syntax is valid, even if it's a broken experience. Similarly, the validator will be happy to let through empty class and id values. Maybe you wanted things that way, but more likely not. With a diagnostic stylesheet, you can quickly see where your markup might have some trouble. The more advanced version, which uses the :not() syntax and outlines and so isn't suitable for IE7The IE7 version, which does much the same things but in a less straightforward manner and uses borders instead of outlines The styles for each are embedded in the demo pages, but they have a few extras meant to make the demo pages themselves understandable.

CSS Code Readability Tips. Reading and writing seem to be simple actions yet they are not. When it comes to web design, these actions are vital for various reasons and they have a higher priority in the web design process. What I’m trying to say is that it is crucial to write code in a good way. That is because any other person that interacts with the code should feel comfortable with it. 1. Define a good structure The most important thing in CSS readability is having a good structure. 2. The number of colors is different from one site to another. 3. When you write CSS code you will have to take into consideration the time that you will loose scanning the file for certain rules. 4.

Typography should be very important in every project. 5. Indentation is on of the most important aspects when it comes to readability. 6. Usually in my projects, my CSS layout is based on floats. Conclusion These steps will not give you the perfect CSS code for readability, but for certain they will make your life a lot easier. How to add file type Icons to Links with CSS | Psyked | Psyked. CSS 2.1 has many new wonderful capabilities, and I’m going to show you one of my latest tricks I’ve picked up – automatic link icons. First, a look at the end result :- Now, you may have seen similar things on a few websites already, wikipedia certainly makes use of the technique to highlight external links.

The astute of you may notice that the ‘external’ link isn’t actually external – think of it more as ‘absolute’. How do we achieve these results automatically? Well, that’s with the power of the new CSS selectors. 456BereaSt. has a nice article on them, but the stuff we’re concerned with is the attribute selectors. Attribute selectors are done with [square brackets], and can include simple conditional statements, with some options for wildcards thrown in to boot. Here’s a simple ‘absolute’ link selector – a[href="http:"] – this will target all the ‘a’ tags, with the attribute ‘href’ which is equal to “http:”. Another operator we can use is $, which means ‘ends with’. Taller de Adobe Dreamweaver: ¡Más estilos CSS! Hola muchachos y muchachas ¿cómo están?

¡Me alegro! (espero que hayan respondido “bieeeen”). Ya estaba extrañándolos. No sé si se habrán dado cuenta, pero la clase pasada, fue una división de la clase de la otra semana anterior, así que la semana pasada no escribí el artículo literalmente. Pero bueno, ya volví y con ¡buenas noticias! Conseguimos espacio para poner una miniclase guía sobre CSS. No vamos a lograr avanzar profundamente en este tema, porque CSS daría para un taller entero. Estilos CSS Para encarar este tema vamos a poner un par de ejemplos, y de ahí iremos viendo cómo funcionan los estilos con CSS, de paso pueden darse una idea sobre cómo se puede ir insertándolo dentro de un código HTML.

Vamos a un ejemplo similar al de las clases pasadas, el div de la “nota uno”. Armemos un código de cómo podría ser un div de una nota X, para tomar de ejemplo: Bueno, aquí tendríamos un maquetado de una nota (cortita por cierto jeje), con un pie de página que contendría artículos relacionados. Creando un mapa interactivo con CSS. Web-kreation - Add File Type Icons next to your links with CSS. Many people use Javascript to automatically add file type icons to their external links, mailto links, Word, PDF, Excel Document links… when it can be done very easily with CSS 2.1.

Here is an example: HowTo: The trick is to use the attibute selector (using the [square brackets]) with the “a” tags. For example, if you want all your external links to display an icon, use a[href^=” in your CSS stylesheet: The operator “^” means “start with”. The operator $: Another useful operator is $ wich means “end with”. E.g. a[href$='.zip'] will display an icon next to any links to a document ending with the extension .zip : Some more examples: You could use this to customize links to PDF documents, Word documents, mailto… Here are some examples you might want to use in the future: The icons You can download some free icons at:IconFinder.netFamFamFam Note: The attribute selector works fine in the most recent browsers.

The Author Article written by Jeeremie: Hi, My Name is Jeremie Tisseau. Atajos CSS | CSS | JC – Blog. Liquid Blueprint. Aprendiendo CSS » Una pequeña lista con lo mínimo para ponerse c. Si el médico antes de operar a su lado pone una mesa con todo el material quirúrgico necesario. Si al ponernos a estudiar, sacamos el boli, el típex, el lápiz, la goma, el subrayador… Entonces, por qué al diseñar webs, nos ponemos delante del bloc de notas y nos quedamos tan anchos?? Así que, continuando con el post de Loretahur sobre libros, ahora vamos a ver que es necesario, y que no, para trabajar con CSS. Espero que me echéis una mano para completar la lista. Empezaremos por lo que no es bueno usar. Y esos pequeños errores de newbie. FrontPage , si, ese maravilloso programa de la factoría Redmond es una de las mayores armas contra el diseño web accesible.

No entiende para nada el uso de estilos, css y accesibilidad web, llena todo con incompresibles tablas y acaba generando un código enorme imposible de tratar. Siempre hay cosas que aunque no son muy recomendables usar, se pueden tolerar mejor. Dreamweaver: Ese “maravilloso” programa adorado por mil un “desarrolladores web”. Complete Toolbox: 55 CSS Menu And Button Coding Tutorials. Navigation menus and buttons with CSS styling are being used in almost every website. There are a lot of techniques to utilize and a good developer should have some basic knowledge about them all.

Below you will find a lot of tutorials each teaching you something different and appropriate. You will also find quite lot CSS3 tutorials, because CSS3 offered features are being used more and more and you should practise them too. Menus 1. In this tutorial author shows you solution how to preclude common problems with implementations. 2. In this tutorial, author will show you how to code the navigation bar using only 1 image. 3. Learn how to create simple horizontal CSS dropdown and popout menu. 4.

Today we are going to cover how to build a pure CSS menu with infinite sub menus; an area of CSS that is seldom talked about, poorly written or misconceived. 5. Following this tutorial you are going to build the second most common menu navigation, the vertical navigation menu. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. PosAbsolute CSS Framework, website starter kit « Position Absolu. Web development companies have a bad habit of doing inconsistent websites depending on which developer coded the website. It is one of the reason we have so much back-end framework. However front-end teams are a bit more in the dark.

While there is basic guidelines for CSS and JS, there is generally less management by team leaders. It becomes a big gray zone where inconsistencies often become the norm. Why use a CSS framework Better quality and coherence coding inside a front-end team Preset CSS classes, know where your going with highly reusable classes A collection of some of the best jquery scripts A solid cross browser compatible stylesheet A new project means getting JS plug-ins together, clean a CSS and restart. The framework is based on a 960px grid, but is very easy to manipulate to get the grid you want. Download the source code View demo It includes: Why jQuery and those plug-ins? One problem with JS plug-ins is the bad repartition of images and CSS involved with them.

Hey! Creating 10 Most-Used Javascript Techniques Using Pure CSS Styli. Whatever content we have, we can present them in an interactive & more responsive ways with CSS styling only. In this article we’d like to present 10 Impressive techniques using pure CSS styling to create simple and interactive website without using Javascript at all. How To Create a Pure CSS Polaroid Photo Gallery Learn how to build a cool looking stack of Polaroid photos with pure CSS styling. Basic CSS is used to style up the photos into a Polaroid style images, then some additional styling with shadows and rotation are injected, then z-index property is used to alter the stacking order of all the objects.

Bubble Effect with CSS You might be familiar with the plugin jQuery Dock which allows developers to create a menu like Apple Dock. Text Rotation With CSS Many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Create a JQuery Content Slider Using Pure CSS Pure CSS Timeline Learn how to build a CSS timeline while using some clean and simple markup. 40+ Outstanding CSS3 Tutorials for Web Development | Tutorials P. CSS3 have many exciting features which are most compatible for cross browser usability as we using famous internet browsers: Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Firefox, Safari and chrome, they all very supporting of new CSS3 properties.

In this article we are highlighting some latest tips and techniques which were not supporting before in older versions. But in this version of CSS you can use all of these techniques in your web design: text-shadow, rounded box, box sizing, opacity handlers, multiple backgrounds, border images and also supporting for These are really useful tutorials with many exciting features. Hope you all will appreciate these useful and helping list of best ever trainings about CSS3 and share your user experience for next version of CSS3.

CSS3 Tutorials and Learning Resources of New Techniques CSS Border Images , CSS Multi Column Web layout , CSS Multiple Backgrounds , CSS3 Tutorials , Opacity Handlers , Round Box Tutorial , Text Shadow Tutorial. 30 CSS Techniques for a Unique Navigation | Slovenian Designer. Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3. HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using. 10 Best of Breed CSS Editors | 50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design - Smashing Magazine.