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How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a Page. We've discussed previously why it's important for businesses to create a Facebook Page, rather than a profile. Pages come with detailed analytics and unlimited fans (as opposed to the 5,000 friend limit profiles have). Perhaps more importantly, representing a business on Facebook with a standard profile is a violation of the site's terms of service and can result in the account being shut down. It's easy enough for companies just getting started on Facebook to create a proper Fan Page, but what if you've already established your brand's presence using a standard profile?

Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't provide a magical button that automatically converts profiles to pages, so it's up to you to manually make the switch. First, Create the Page If you haven't already done so, you'll need to create a Page for your company. Use this time to add your company's general information, branding, third party integrations, and custom designs you may want. Scale Back the Profile's Privacy Settings. A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites (9780415801812): Zizi Papacharissi. SCVNGR. Livre Blanc Social Media Club France Creative Commons.