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How do people cope with extremes of weather

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Advice on what people wear. Arctic Clothing Guide. Here’s a guide on what to wear in the Arctic or cold climates.

Arctic Clothing Guide

This guide is primarily aimed at those joining me on one of my Northern lights expeditions but is equally applicable to camera crews and film crews that may be working in very cold environments. The key principle is to build up layers of clothes that will trap air. Trapped air keeps you warm , but allows your body to breathe, so sweat evaporates or is wicked away so you don’t get damp and cold. By wearing multiple layers of thiner garments you can make use of clothes you may already have for normal climates at the same time as giving you the option to remove layers if you find you are too warm. The most important layers are the base layer and top layer. Advice on the weather in the arctic. Arctic Studies Center - Resources - Frequently Asked Questions. Map - Official Travel Guide to Norway. Weather in the arctic circle. Food in Antarctica. The early days of Polar Exploration were often as much of an investigation into what was required by the human body to keep it warm and well nourished in extreme circumstances as it was an investigation of the Polar environment itself.

Food in Antarctica

A great deal is known today about the requirements for the most basic survival in extreme conditions in terms of what food and clothing is required. Much of this knowledge was discovered the hard way, by men suffering from cold, starvation and deficiencies of vitamins while exploring the Arctic or Antarctic. A key lesson learned from polar exploration amongst other sources is that hunger and hypothermia are closely linked. Our bodies can only provide enough heat to keep us at our normal temperature as long as they are provided with enough food.