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Next Steps in SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Repeat) - Rui Nogueira. Course information Course Summary Congratulations, you have already taken your first steps with SAP HANA Cloud Platform, and know how to use the various services that the platform provides. This course will bring you to the next level on how to use SAP HANA Cloud Platform. You'll learn how you can use the platform to develop and manage SAP HANA native apps and HTML5 apps, as well as how to apply advanced security features, develop widgets in SAP HANA Cloud Portal, and much more.

In this course, we develop applications using the Eclipse environment. Creating apps with the recently released SAP Web IDE is beyond the scope of this repeat, but we will give you a brief introduction to the SAP Web IDE in one of the exercises. To follow all the units, you should have already walked through the openSAP course Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform (Repeat). Starting from: May 27, 2015, 09:00 UTC. Course Content Target Audience Application Developers Course Requirements Development Systems Thomas Hensel. Learning_to_ignore_OSGi. Eclipse 3.6 on OpenJDK on Mac OS X. Eclipse 3.6 (aka Helios) will run on OpenJDK on Mac when it's released this year. This will free us from Apple's oft-criticized and historically slow release cycle of the Java VM. With a little persistence and help from some committers at Eclipse, the most glaring problems were resolved: bug 276564:Eclipse won't launch using JDK 7 because SWT native libraries don't loadbug 276763: [launcher] launcher fails to use OpenJDK-based VM when -vm is specified If you're interested in trying it out, you'll need to get an integration build of Eclipse (see 3.6 Stream Integration Builds) I20100119-0800 or newer, or a nighly build N20100117-2000 or newer.

Prior to these builds, running Ecilpse on OpenJDK on a mac was only possible with some trickery. You'll also need a working OpenJDK on your mac, which can be built from source using these instructions, or installed using mac ports.


2007. JaC64 - Java Commodore C64 emulation, games and demos. The Java Specialists' Newsletter.