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Veilleseotools How do you rate links from sites like Twitter and Facebook? Is it still important to offer a site map to users? Video Sitemaps ► Learn Video Sitemaps With Google: How-to Create Sitemaps For Google Video SEO. HTML5 Video, WebM, VP8, and Video SEO For Google. Matt Cutts - Exploring Video Sitemaps & Google's Video Index. How to get indexed by Google in ONE hour. Should I use underscores or hyphens in URLs? More than one H1 on a page: good or bad? Outils pour les webmasters. Duplicate Content & Multiple Site Issues. Can I publish 100+ pages at once? How can new pages get indexed quickly? Does Google use data from social sites in ranking?

Facebook Sponsored Stories Are 46% More Effective Than Standard Facebook Ads. Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a new type of advertising that highlights the activity of a user's friends who have interacted with a given brand on the site.

Facebook Sponsored Stories Are 46% More Effective Than Standard Facebook Ads

For example, if your cousin checked into an Applebee's on Facebook, the restaurant could buy an ad that highlights that fact on the right hand side of the page as you navigate the site. Not unlike Twitter's Promoted Tweets, this new ad format takes social content and turns it into a marketing message, blurring the lines between content and advertising, but doing so in a way that's still transparent to users. So how effective is it?