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KeyRocket - A simple way to master keyboard shortcuts. Quick Example Sally installs KeyRocket and starts using Word.

KeyRocket - A simple way to master keyboard shortcuts.

KeyRocket notices that Sally habitually uses the mouse to center align her text and suggests that she use a shortcut instead (in this case, Ctrl + E). Not Your Dad’s Office Assistant From the moment you finish installation, it starts learning how you work. Compléments, Logiciel et Outils pour Microsoft Office 2007 et 2010. > Bienvenue sur SelfAccess ! Access, Word, Java, Applets < Mark Lyon's GMail Loader (GML) - Import Your Mail into GMail. In 2004, when Gmail was launched, I was amazed by the incredibly large 1GB capacity of the free service.

Mark Lyon's GMail Loader (GML) - Import Your Mail into GMail

The ability to instantly search a large volume of email was amazing. As someone who never deleted messages and still had messages dating back to 1994, I immediately looked for a way to import my existing mail into the new service. When I couldn’t find such an option, I decided to make one for myself. My tool works by reading the local mail file and remailing it to the new destination, one message at a time, into your Gmail account.

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BDD. Traitement Texte. Tableurs. Office GNU.