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Sudan to launch over 30 oil exploration bids. Sudan: Dr. Al-Karuri - Gold Export Value in Current Year Totals U.S.$ 1.23 Billion. Khartoum — The Minister of Minerals Dr.

Sudan: Dr. Al-Karuri - Gold Export Value in Current Year Totals U.S.$ 1.23 Billion

Ahmed Mohamed Sadiq Al-Karuri has revealed that the gold production until mid-December amounted to 93 tons, pointing out that what was actually exported by the Central Bank of Sudan amounted to 30.8 tons worth 1.23 billion dollars with increase from the last year amounted to 552 million dollars. The minister said, during his reply to the comments of the members of the National Assembly during the discussion of his ministry's statement Tuesday about its performance in 2016 and its plan for 2017, that the total value of the gold produced during this year amounted to 3.57 billion dollars, pointing out that the focus on the gold export resulted from the low prices of other minerals, adding that there is a production in all minerals but the value of their exports did not exceed $ 50 million.

There for his ministry focuses on gold export. The minister revealed update of geological, mineral, seismic, gravity and investment maps. Sudan: Ministry of Minerals - Over 45 Tons of Gold, the Country Production in Six Months. Khartoum — The mid-annual performance report of the Sudanese Company for Mineral Resources, the supervisory body at the Ministry for Mineral, has revealed that he overall gold production for the first half of the current fiscal year has exceeded 45 tones.

Sudan: Ministry of Minerals - Over 45 Tons of Gold, the Country Production in Six Months

The report revealed that the company production of gold stands at 7.17 tones while he traditional gold mining sector in the 12 states of the country stand at 38.07 tones. The report also showed that the overall income from the mining sectors has reached 309.82 billion pounds, at a performance exceeding 130%. Sudan: Govt Announces New Partnership With China in Oil, Gas Fields - Khartoum — Sudan on Tuesday announced a new partnership with China to enter into new oil exploration projects and natural gas production at fields in eastern, central and western Sudan, official SUNA news agency reported.

Sudan: Govt Announces New Partnership With China in Oil, Gas Fields -

Fast growing TAHE boost Sudan’s gold exports. TAHE International Mining Inc. is a great example of one of the increasing number of foreign mining companies investing in Sudan, Africa’s third largest gold producer After gathering data in Sudan during 18 months of extensive geological study, Turkish owned TAHE International Metal Mining Inc. signed a concession agreement with the Sudanese Government in 2010, the largest ever granted in the Afro-Arab country.

Fast growing TAHE boost Sudan’s gold exports

Since then, the mining company has been heavily contributing to the development of the country’s mining sector – providing vital transfer of expertise – as well as contributing to the Sudanese economy by helping to boost the country’s exports of gold. Immediately after signing the concession agreement, TAHE began exploring in June 2010, and it took less than a year to make the discovery of the Abu Sara gold mine. Then in 2012, the company finished constructing its first production plant. Of course TAHE does not plan to stop there though.

InvestView. On Sunday, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said that the country has plans to develop their natural gas market by driving foreign investment into the country, Reuters reported.President-Omar-al-Bashir With gas reserves estimated at 3 trillion cubic feet, plans include extraction and import of natural gas to facilitate industrial and power generation.


With no gas terminals or pipelines the import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is not an easy option. Bashir said that the government had established a state run gas company which would install a pipeline from Port Sudan to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. ‘We will work to increase the production of gas inside Sudan and … to open the doors to investment,’ he said. According to the Environmental International Agency (EIA) the bulk of energy being generated comes from hydroelectric facilities and by adding gas to the energy mix, electricity tariffs could be reduced. Sudan Predicted to Be Africa's Largest Gold Producer By 2018.

Khartoum — Sudan's minister of mining, Ahmed Mohamed Sadiq al-Karuri, has predicted the country will become Africa's largest gold producer by 2018.

Sudan Predicted to Be Africa's Largest Gold Producer By 2018

He said in press statements on Monday that Sudan currently ranks third after Ghana and South Africa in gold production in Africa. Karuri, who met with the US charge d'Affaires in Khartoum, Jerry Lanier, said the number of companies operating in the mining sector has risen to 120, noting that the figure includes both national companies and multinationals.

InvestView. Sudan Vision Daily - Details. South Sudan makes $1bn in oil sales. South Sudan made almost $1bn from oil sales since resuming production in April, of which it had to pass on a quarter to arch foe Sudan for exporting crude through its territory, the oil ministry said on Thursday.

South Sudan makes $1bn in oil sales

Reuters reported that the landlocked African nation needs to export the crude, its economic lifeline, through two pipelines crossing Sudan, from which it seceded in 2011 after decades of civil war. The neighbors, which fought one of Africa’s longest civil wars ended in 2005, agreed in March to resume cross-border flows. Juba had shut down its oil production in January 2012 when a row over pipeline fees escalated. Sudan had threatened since April to halt oil exports in a conflict over alleged rebel support but agreed to continue crude flows at a summit of the two presidents on Tuesday. South Sudan sold around 9.8 million barrels of oil for $969m until the start of September, its oil ministry said in a statement. Sudan to produce 50 tonnes of gold this year, earning $2.5 bln. Sudan digs for gold as prices rise - 15 Dec 09. Traditional mining for gold in Sudan. Manajim mining for gold in the Sudan. Sirocco Energy redies for work in Sudan. PERTH ( - Junior oil and gas explorer Sirocco Energy would have capital in place by the end of this month to fund its work programme on Block 14, in the Sudan.

Sirocco Energy redies for work in Sudan

Speaking to Mining Weekly Online, CEO Greg Channon said that the company would raise between A$4-million and A$7-million through a re-compliance prospectus, after the company changed the nature and scale of its activities. Channon said that the minimum A$4-million would fund the geology and geophysical studies on the newly acquired Block 14, while a higher raising could accelerate further exploration work during the next year, including two-dimensional seismic work. Sirocco Energy, previously known as Agri Energy, was working to delineate a resource at its Block 14 prospect, in the Sudan, which covers some 100 000 km2. The company acquired a 37.4% shareholding in the tenement area through a 49.9% shareholding in joint venture vehicle Statesman Africa Limited, with TSX-listed Statesman Resources.

Sudan and Saudi Arabia to start exploration in Red Sea. Sudan Awards Nine Oil Exploration Contracts, SUNA Reports. Sudan awarded nine contracts with 17 international companies that will invest $500 million to explore for oil in the African nation, state-run SUNA news agency reported.

Sudan Awards Nine Oil Exploration Contracts, SUNA Reports

Sudanese Oil Minister Awad Ahmed al-Jaz signed the agreements with companies from Brazil, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, France and Nigeria. The deal covers oil eight blocks taking up more than 40% of the nation’s land area, the Khartoum- based agency said late yesterday, citing al-Jaz. The blocks are forecast to start production in six months to five years, SUNA said. The Sudanese economy has been suffering since South Sudan assumed control of three-quarters of the former unified state’s oil production of almost 490,000 barrels a day when it became independent a year ago.

To contact the reporter on this story: Salma El Wardany in Cairo at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at