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Webdevelopment. Interesting. PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy - Cheesecake - Trac. NOTE: This is a deprecated version of the PTTT.

PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy - Cheesecake - Trac

For the 'golden image', please visit the official Python wiki page. Unit Testing Tools Mock/Stub Testing Tools Fuzz Testing Tools. Fixture for test users. Protect Yourself from Drive-By Browser Malware Attacks - Windows. SExpand We explained that you don't need to pay for Windows security last week, but today we're taking a closer look at how to protect yourself from drive-by malware that can infect your computer by simply visiting the wrong web site.P Naturally, everything in the last article still applies (you should definitely give it a read through if you haven't already).

Protect Yourself from Drive-By Browser Malware Attacks - Windows

Most importantly, make sure you always keep your PC updated; it's the biggest key to protecting yourself against drive-by malware. If you're already good on that front, here are some of the finer adjustments you can make to keep yourself safe.P.