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Dr. Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios. Rubrics for Teachers - Assessment. A collection of rubrics for assessing portfolios, group work/cooperative learning, concept map, research process/ report, PowerPoint, oral presentation, web page, blog, wiki, and other social media projects. Quick Links to Rubrics Social Media Project Rubrics Wiki RubricCriteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions. Blog RubricAssess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs. Twitter RubricAssess learning during social networking instructional assignments. Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics Online Discussion Board RubricAssessing ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in meaningful discussionPrimary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF)Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria Upper Elementary Teamwork RubricKaren Franker's rubric includes six defined criteria for assessing team and individual responsibility PowerPoint and Podcast Rubrics ePortfolio and Web Page Rubrics.

Use Texting In The Classroom To Assess Student Learning. FIP - Using Technology to Enhance Feedback. Information and Communications Technology Performance Standards - Rubrics, Task, Student Work. Overview The Information and Communications Technology Integration Performance Standards, Grades 5 to 10 (ICTI), are intended to support teachers and students as they use technology to enhance learning across the curriculum. Aspects The ICTI Performance Standards focus on four aspects of how students use information and communications technology to gather, organize, and present information and to analyse and interpret information.

Rating Scales Full and short-form versions of the performance standards, with the four performance levels described in detail Tasks The tasks were developed by practising teachers to provide: Teachers may use the tasks as given or as models. Student Samples Some of the tasks are provided with samples of student work. Blogging commenting rubric.pdf. Use Technology to Support Formative Assessment | Power Up What Works.