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The Answer Pad. My 24 Most-Used Education Apps (What Are Yours?) 16 Technology Leaders I Follow On Twitter 5.11K Views 0 Likes I often get asked to list off my favorite people I follow on Twitter. That's a big question with no real specific answer. This is at least my fave tech leaders! Padagogy-version2.png (PNG Image, 4281 × 4280 pixels) - Scaled (19%) Evernote: A Great Tool for Organizing Teachers & Students! If you are not familiar with Evernote, now is the time. Evernote is a free web tool and application that helps you to organize your notes, emails, images, and, well…. everything.

It’s hard to describe, but this 50-second video highlights some of the key features and abilities. Evernote can be a great application for teachers, both to keep yourself coordinated and to facilitate student learning. I want to highlight a few ways that I have employed Evernote not only to make my life a little easier as a teacher, but to help my students and my classroom stay more focused and organized. First, if you need to familiarize yourself with a quick tutorial, try out the “Getting Started Guide For Teachers.” This will help you with the basics of setting up an account, creating notes, and syncing across platforms.

Organizing myself Teachers have tons of “stuff” on our plates. The key to Evernote success is that you set up some basic parameters first. Using Evernote with students Should you go Premium? WDWDT: A New App That Keeps Teachers, Students, Parents In Sync. There’s a new classroom messaging app that goes beyond your typical mobile classroom app. It’s called WDWDT (stands for What Did We Do Today? ) and is a messaging service custom-built for students, parents, teachers, and others to stay in the loop about what’s been happening in class lately. You won’t need to send home exit slips or other notifications on paper and hope for parents to see and sign them anymore. WDWDT drags that process into the digital age and lets parents stay instantly connected to what their children are doing and learning in the classroom. How The WDWDT App Works The app is beautifully made and from the founder of CoveritLive, a service that lets you liveblog an event.

It lets you: Create surveys for parents like end-of-year polls, solicit feedback about field trips, etc. As you can see, the app is quite robust and quite free. How WDWDT Can Be Used Situation #1 (it’s 3:30pm, in a schoolyard…anywhere in the world…in any language) Situation #4 Mr. Situation #5 Situation #6. Math Champ. PDF Max Freemium. Great Classroom Tools. Today's Target - Classroom Progress. Education Dive.