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Setting rules

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5 начина да спрете агресивното поведение у детето - Дете - Първите седем. Защо се случва?

5 начина да спрете агресивното поведение у детето - Дете - Първите седем

Агресивното поведение изглежда шокиращо за вас и за околните, но всъщност е нормална част от поведението и развитието на децата. Бързото им развитие и израстване, необходимостта да заявят себе си и независимостта си, да установят лидерство, недоразвитата способност да контролират импулсите си – всичко това са причини детето да проявява агресия. "В някои случаи и степени на удряне и хапане, са напълно нормални за малките деца," обяснява Надин Блок, изпълнителен директор на Центъра за Ефективна дисциплина в Калъмбъс, Охайо.

Това не означава, че трябва да игнорирате тези ситуации, разбира се. Трябва веднага да покажете на детето си, че това поведение е неприемливо и да му дадете алтернативен начин да изрази емоциите и желанията си. Какво да направите? Покажете му как трябва. Останете спокойни. Поставете ясни граници. The discipline tool kit: Successful strategies for every age. By Melanie Haiken En español We've all seen them: the out-of-control toddler hurling handfuls of sand at the park; the whiny-voiced 3-year-old begging for candy in the grocery line; the sassy 7-year-old yelling "you can't make me!

The discipline tool kit: Successful strategies for every age

" at the restaurant. My top parenting challenge And we've privately dissed their parents, reassuring ourselves that we'd never be such a wimp if our child was terrorizing the playground or disrupting everyone's dinner. But then it happens: the massive meltdown that takes you completely by surprise. Why is discipline such a big dilemma? What we need is a comfortable middle ground to ensure that our little ones grow up to be respectful, caring, and well behaved. First, the ground rules To set the stage for discipline success, here are the bottom-line rules many experts agree on:

What's your discipline style? By Evonne Lack Discipline is one of the toughest challenges of parenthood.

What's your discipline style?

It can frustrate, discourage, and humble you. When faced with the challenges of getting your toddler, preschooler, or big kid to behave, you may look back on the gritty baby months with utter nostalgia and wonder why you ever thought feeding and sleeping dilemmas were so tough. The right expert advice can be instructive and reassuring. It's just a matter of finding a philosophy that fits your personal style. You'll be relieved to know that you don't have to pick just one discipline style. Also, it's important to pay attention to how you feel when you read about a particular style. She then turned to a book with a completely different approach and felt much more hopeful. Start by learning about a few of the major "categories" of discipline philosophies. Similarities in discipline theories Although the discipline field is vast, many of the most popular discipline books address similar themes.

New Skills for Frazzled Parents: The Instruction Manual That Should Have Come With Your Child (9781886554023): Daniel G. Amen. 8 Great Family Rules to Help Any Home. Order the all New Kindle Fire here!

8 Great Family Rules to Help Any Home

Privacy Every home should have its own set of family rules. Family rules simplify explanations, clarify expectations, and create a safe environment for your children and their friends. We have our list of family rules taped to the refrigerator. I copied this list down a long time ago from somewhere, and these rules have served our family well over the years. FAMILY RULES LIST1. We have also made it clear to our children that the family rules follow them wherever they go. (Updated 12/26/2008: Thanks to commenter G.H. below, I have located the source for this list. Examples Of House Rules To Improve Toddlers Behaviour. Setting house rules is very important as it provides your toddler with boundaries and guidelines.

Examples Of House Rules To Improve Toddlers Behaviour

Your toddler needs these boundaries put in place from an early age so they grow up knowing what is acceptable, what is not acceptable and what will happen if they break these rules. House Rules - Clear Expectations for Your Kids. Establishing a clearly defined set of house rules makes it easier for your children to align their behavior with your expectations.

House Rules - Clear Expectations for Your Kids

That's a no-brainer. But what many parents don't know is that having a clear set of rules also makes it easier for you to use consistent discipline strategies and dole out age-appropriate consequences, when necessary. Guidelines For Developing Your Own Set of House Rules: Keep the List of Rules Simple Avoid coming up with a long, complicated set of rules or attempt to micro-manage every possible scenario. Limit the List to 3-5 Items A list of ten rules simply can't be memorized, and the point of having a clear set of rules is to communicate your expectations in a concise, succinct manner so that your kids can remember them. Use Positive Language Phrase your wording in a positive manner.

Instead of "Don't call one another names," try "Be kind to one another. "