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Make Money Blogging. Top Five Reasons to Meet Locals | Blog. 1. Social Connection The truth is, traveling is a life-changing experience regardless if you travel with friends or Chris-McCandless-Into-The-Wild, solo style. However, you always seem to find something extra meaningful when you share those travel experiences with interesting and like-minded strangers.

Human beings are social creatures by nature, and the more social connections we make, the more fulfilment we find through our adventures. After all, locals are the heart and soul of a city, so it can be infinitely rewarding to dig deeper into their stories, and discover how your paths interconnect. 2. Insider’s Tips Meeting up with a local means you essentially have a free guide to all of the city’s local spots with the best bars and the authentic restaurants! 3. Any location’s social norms are dependent on the given culture. 4. Practicing your language skills with native speakers is the fastest way to becoming fluent yourself. 5.

Top five reasons to meet locals - travel the social way. 101 things to do instead of binge eating | RECOVER... Distractions! Here are 101 things that you can do instead of bingeing. And many of them don’t require deep introspection or recovery activities. They’re just straight up good healthy ways to distract yourself when you want to binge. Sometimes you might just be able to distract yourself right out of a binge. 1.)Call a friend, your sponsor, a support person, anyone who you can talk to who will either get your mind off of food, or someone to talk to about whatever it is that you might be feeling. 2.)Go for a walk 3.)Drink a cup of tea 4.)Meditate or listen to a hypnosis or guided visualization download. 5.)Give yourself a manicure/pedicure– can’t binge with wet nails. 6.)Volunteer at the SPCA to walk dogs or pet cats. 7.)Go to a movie if the food there is not a trigger. 8.)Watch a funny movie at home. 9.)Take a shower, give yourself a hot oil treatment, shave your legs, tweeze your brows– self care time. 11.)Draw, paint or color. 12.)Knit or do needlepoint 13.)Take a nap 16.)Go window shopping.

Challenge Prépa Eco | 1000-1000 Blog Challenge. How to create a Successful Travel Blog in your first year of blogging. When I first started my travel blog just over a year ago I knew that it was going to be successful. It had to be. Failure was never an option. A lot of people start travel blogging wondering ‘how’ they will be able to compete with some of the other top travel blogs who are already established and have been plying their craft for years.

I’ve heard some say it’s nearly impossible to break into a field that is already saturated. Why even bother when the odds are stacked against you? In a word – passion. Passion is going to ignite a level of confidence in yourself. The good news is that hard work, determination and consistent effort is going to help you achieve your blogging goals. Phase 1 (Building The Snowball) Every travel blog – even the top travel sites today – started out from scratch. This is the phase where you need to eat, sleep & breathe your site day in and day out. 1) Consistent Content You’re going to be wanting to churn out content on your own site as consistently as possible. A Fashionable Guide To. Why you should have a long term travel blog. It doesn’t matter how you write about your thoughts, experiences, travels or life living abroad – it only matters that you do. A long-term travel blog keeps things safe so your memoirs will never fade away. After that it’s up to you … I knew before I went on this journey that I wanted to record as much of it as possible.

Keep in mind this was before blogging had taken off and was as easy to set up as it is today. I kept a hand written diary and emailed myself notes at the start. I wrote before about the importance of documenting your experiences in life with a journal. However there were a couple of problems with all this in term’s of long-term travel and keeping a record of ones travels. Recording thoughts, moments, practicalities and photographs is easier to think about than actually carry out especially when you have the world of travel to distract you Why you should record your long-term journey What was Europe like in the winter? I still have a notebook and it’s invaluable. 7 Reasons You Should Write a Travel Blog | Backpackingmatt: Life's a Journey - A Budget Travel Blog.

Are you planning a trip around the world? Or perhaps you’re already living overseas and considering starting a travel blog? Maybe you’re stuck in an office somewhere, considering a trip backpacking around the world – saving, and one day soon you’ll make it happen? If you fall into one of these categories, you should be writing a travel blog. Travel blogs are an option for all kinds of travelers, backpackers, or soon-to-be travelers or backpackers. Let’s be straight. 1) You can share your experiences with the world Whether you choose to write a personal travel diary updating your experiences while you’re on the road, or a more practical, informative, and useful travel blog, you’ll have the added benefit of sharing your experiences with the world. 2) Meet fellow travel bloggers who share your passion for travel With the help of Twitter, you’ll meet other travel bloggers who are doing the same thing you are: exploring the world and writing about their experiences.

Creative Commons: thombo2. 7 Tips For Mainintaing Your Travel Blog On The Road | Backpackingmatt: Life's a Journey - A Budget Travel Blog. Keeping your travel blog up-to-date while traveling is not an easy task. You’re forced to balance internet time, with writing time, with traveling time, and of course – with socializing time. I’ve been in New Zealand on a working holiday for the last four months. Throughout this time, I’ve done my best to juggle work commitments, along with traveling, and of course along with keeping Backpackingmatt updated. This is by all means no easy task.

However, these seven tips will allow you to successfully balance your backpacking experience along with keeping your travel blog full of valuable content for your readers. 1.) Buy yourself an iPhone. Creative Commons: Gonzalo Baeza Hernández Don’t allow yourself to become constantly connected to it – otherwise, you’ll end up missing out on the experiences you go backpacking for. Anil over at Tech Guide for Travel has a guide for jailbreaking your iPhone so you can use it on the road. 2.) Creative Commons: John Althouse Cohen 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Création de site internet avec Wix.

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Le contenu de votre site internet provient alors de diverses données mises en ligne par l’internaute et activé en temps réel. Si vous pensez créer un site e-commerce, l’outil de création Wix est alors fait pour vous. Vos articles seront mieux en valeur aussi bien au niveau des animations que dans le choix des couleurs. Démarrez votre site avec Wix : Inscription Comment créer un site flash avec Wix ? ▶ Comment créer un site web gratuit sur internet ? Créer un site web est indispensable pour les organisations qui souhaitent une présence sur internet.

La création d'un site est à la portée de tous aussi bien techniquement que financièrement. L'outil en ligne Wix permet de créer un site web élégant et gratuit. Exemple d'un template Wix pour un site marketing Petit briefing sur l'outil Wix Pour ceux qui n'ont pas compris, Wix est une application entièrement en ligne pour créer des sites web. Ça signifie qu'il n'y a pas besoin de télécharger de logiciel. La création d'un site est simple avec Wix. Choisir un template de base parmi plus de 200 templates HTML5 ou Flash.S'inscrire gratuitement et commencer à personnaliser les couleurs et le contenu.Publier le site. Wix est un outil freemium. Sur un site créé avec cet éditeur WYSIWYG (éditeur visuel) il est possible d'insérer divers contenus : Créer une identité visuelle (site web, site mobile et page Facebook) Site web Wix (site web, site mobile et page Facebook) Wix permet de créer un site mobile.