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Tim Johns' Kibbitzers. Tim Johns' Kibbitzers These are ideas Tim created for language teaching, usually based on problems he had met in his work in English for Academic Purposes at Birmingham University. Kibbitzer 1: incessant v. steadfast Kibbitzer 2: as clause / that clause Kibbitzer 3: collocation take on a job Kibbitzer 4: topicalisation Kibbitzer 5: By v. Kibbitzer 6: Data -- singular or plural? Kibbitzer 6a: Data -- more evidence Kibbitzer 7: logical connectives Kibbitzer 8: illustrate v. account for Kibbitzer 9: can a superconductor Kibbitzer 10: population who or which Kibbitzer 11: predict v. forecast Kibbitzer 12: offering insights Kibbitzer 13: enable v. facilitate Kibbitzer 14: premature evaluation Kibbitzer 15: which verb for the adverb Kibbitzer 16: composing or compiling information Kibbitzer 17: closely or deeply related Kibbitzer 18: so far v. hitherto Kibbitzer 19: overworked it (part 1) Kibbitzer 20: cross reference of relative pronouns.

Kibbitzer 21: reason to v. reason for Kibbitzer 22: structuring a list. Concordancing, lexical chunks and the Lexical Syllabus | aplinglink. In my “New Year’s Resolutions” I vowed to bash “The Lexical Approach”, and, in reply to some comments, promised to say more soon. There are already two pages on this website devoted to concordancing (see the list on the right), so I want here to just summarise these issues before explaining why I am not a fan of any lexically-driven syllabus, but why I am a fan of Nattinger and DeCarrico. Given that using concordance programs to examine enormous corpora of English texts has led to more accurate and reliable descriptions of the English language, the question remains: To what extent do these new descriptions imply any particular pedagogical practice?

Before trying to answer that question, I want to recall that Nattinger and DeCarrico, drawing on Pawley and Syder and also on more recent research, argue that what they call the “lexical phrase” is at the heart of the English language. A)We are teaching English in ignorance of a vast amount of basic fact. Discussion Valency. Mélanges n° 31 (2009 - n° spécial : Des documents authentiques oraux aux corpus : questions d'apprentissage en didactique des langues) Caen by Henry Tyne on Prezi. Bulletin_vals_asla_2013_097.