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How to Plush your Dragon by ~Katy-A on deviantART. CHIBI PLUSH TUTORIAL by *LoRi-La-Tortuga on deviantART. Luma Plush Tutorial by ~clearkid on deviantART. Basic Plush Toy Tutorial by *Keysha-chan on deviantART. Pheleon Hair Tutorial. Materials Felt Gluegun Glue sticks Good, sharp, lightweight scissors Case 1 Here's a basic "strand" of hair. Basically, cut the pieces as you go along, and layer them on the head This shows what you should and should not do. When glueing it to the head, always start from the bottom, and then work your way to the top. This hair was entirely created with these simple strands. (this was the reference picture I used) Case 2 When you cut all of your pieces according to Case 1, you'll notice that there's a great deal of scraps/wasted pieces.

This "method" consists of cutting the pieces individually so no pieces are gone to waste. You have to glue every single strand... it's tedious, but it works! Here's an example where I glued every single piece. Case 3 To get volume, a variety of "folds" are required. Now, twist it once, like shown in the picture. Here's an example of how you would apply it to a head. Case 4 Here's another way to create volume by using a "stiff" strand. Case 5 Conclusions. Tutorial: Mokona felt plush by ~vivee on deviantART.