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Scribd. Blog Top Sites - Directory of the Best Blog Sites. Internet Marketing Advice and Marketing News. LiveJournal: Discover global communities of friends who share your unique passions and interests. LiveJournal. Free Blogs, Pro Blogs, & Business Blogs. Home. Academics. Blog Search Engine - Search Blogs. Blogger. — Get a Free Blog Here.

Comment booster ses landing pages ? La création d’une bonne landing page (et par là j’entends “qui convertit”) est un exercice compliqué.

Comment booster ses landing pages ?

Comment la construire ? Par où commencer ? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques ? Voilà toutes les questions que je me posais. Et puis j’ai été à la conférence de Hervé Bourdon, président de @eComProvence, lors du SEO Camp’US qui se déroulait les 19 et 20 mars dernier à Paris. Avant tout, rappelons qu’une landing page n’est pas une fin en soi. Les 7 fondamentaux de la landing page Pour réussir une landing page, il y a plusieurs bonnes pratiques à suivre : Concentrez-vous sur un seul objectif et donc un seul message. Mais comment créer une landing page qui convertit vraiment ? La réponse tient en 3 mots selon Hervé Bourdon : “imaginer”, “vous” et “parce que’ ! Imaginer La composante psychologique est extrêmement importante pour convaincre le client. Les plus à ne pas négliger Testez votre landing page ! Les chiffres vous aideront en testant via un système A/B.

*Emails responsive: un impératif ? 100+ Blogging Tools For 2015, Categorized (+ Expert Tips) Blogs. Celebrities Only Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Kristen Stewart; Eminem, Selena Gomez, Chris Brown, Shakira....


View » Quotes Whether it's Albert Einstein, Justin Bieber or Gandhi... they have something to say! View » Weebly. The 10 best blogging platforms available for free. It used to be said that everyone has a book in them.

The 10 best blogging platforms available for free

These days, it might be more appropriate to argue everyone has infinite tweets, snarky Facebook updates, and semi-random comments in them. But plenty of people retain a thirst for more thoughtful writing, and also a desire to share it as widely as possible – and these are the best blogging platforms to go about doing that. Blogs might have fallen out of fashion a touch, due to the onslaught of social networks, but there's something about having a space that's properly yours, potentially free from the distractions of a billion adverts and countless competing status updates.

And the best thing is, there are a load of free blogs out there to get you started. In this round-up, we explore 12 of the best blogging platforms for newcomers who want to get a free blog up and running. 01. 02. Jekyll takes your raw text files, which may be written in Markdown, if you like, and turns them into a robust static site to host wherever you want.

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Podcast. Howto. Productivity. Search. Blog. 10 Things Your Blog Doesn’t Need. Surfing around the blogosphere you’re likely to see just about anything on a blog – flashing neon banners, hip-hop or rap music, prizes, awards, badges, Twitter widgets and a zoo full of animated critters.

10 Things Your Blog Doesn’t Need

When you see that cute little baby bouncing across the bottom of the page or that fire breathing dragon in the sidebar you might be tempted to say, “Hey! I wanna put that on MY blog!” Well, no. No, you don’t. Your blog doesn’t need it. Anything that moves or flashes: No matter how cute they are, they’re distracting and annoying.