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Parce que, du cloud, c'est de la virtualisation. Mais la virtualization c'est pas du cloud... Humm, tâchons d'y penser...

Player : exécutez Windows 7, Chrome OS - Téléchargement gratuit pour un PC virtuel. VirtualBox. 5 open source virtualisation technologies to watch - xen, virtualisation, virtualbox, OpenVZ, open source, Linux, Lguest, kvm, hypervisor. With virtualisation now a mainstream technology for most large businesses, the big players like EMC (VMWare), IBM and Microsoft are investing heavily in proprietary options for running multiple guest operating systems on a single machine. In addition to the commercial products, there is a vibrant open source virtualisation ecosystem that CIOs can consider for public and private cloud infrastructure. In this edition of five open source things to watch, we take a look at virtualisation software that can consolidate infrastructure without shrinking the savings. Short for Kernel-based Virtual Machine, KVM is not as widely deployed as other open source hypervisors, but its stature is growing rapidly.

KVM is a full virtualisation hypervisor and can run both Windows and Linux guests. With the kernel component of KVM included in Linux since kernel 2.6.20, KVM can claim a good level of integration with the rest of the operating system. URL: Licence: GPL 2. 3. 4. 5. Open Source - Virtualization and Emulation. The Current State of Open Source Virtualization | We’ve started by looking back at a decade of Open Source virtualization, and in this second part of the series we’ll tackle today’s landscape (last updated in March 2008).

The least you can say about the current state of Open Source virtualization is that the field is extremely diverse: different approaches in the virtualization area are all represented, with paravirtualization, OS virtualization and hardware-assisted virtualization in various colors and flavours. Let’s start with paravirtualization: Xenmaster Ian Pratt released the 1.0 version of Xen somewhere in September 2003, it wasn’t till the Xen 2.0 release (around December 2005) that Xen adoption really started to accelerate. Ian announced the 2.0 release in November 2004 with support for both Linux 2.4, 2.6, FreeBSD and Live Migration support. Xen pioneered Paravirtualization, giving it both a giant performance boost but also an argument for the naysayers who claimed it was impossible to run Windows on the platform. Welcome to, home of the Xen® hypervisor, the powerful open source industry standard for virtualization.