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Serious Sam 3: BFE - Launch Trailer. ‪LITERAL Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Parody HD‬‏ ‪LITERAL Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Parody HD‬‏ Angry Birds: The Movie (Trailer) Inglourious Plummers Trailer. Beyond Black Mesa. Ghostbusters Recut Trailer. Portal 2 - Trailer cooperatif - une vidéo Jeux vidéo. Inception Trailer: Now Entirely In Acappella! Inception is still in the theaters and doing quite well (8th on the box office top 100 list as of 09/11-2010) despite the fact that is was released 56 days ago. It’s just about to surpass the most successful Matrix Reloaded that was part of the three movie series. I think few can say that Inception was anything but original, and even though it was released a while back, it is still very much fresh in our minds.

What really happened at the end? Does anyone know? Well, to make us revisit the awesome trailer that marketed this astonishing movie, someone (I have yet to find out who) decided to create a most awesome acappella version of it. It is one of those things that is so awesomely geeky that we just had to share it with you guys. Even though it sometimes sounds truly horrible, it still makes the trailer pretty cool… if not cooler!

With nothing but their voices they have recreated the music and the dialog in the trailer. Trailer Tron Legacy. Après le second trailer lancé début mars, Walt Disney Pictures vient de sortir une nouvelle bande-annonce de « Tron Legacy » à l’occasion du Comic-Con de San Diego. Une réalisation de Joe Kosinski pour un film qui arrivera sur les écrans 2D, 3D et IMAX 3D le 17 décembre 2010. Star Wars The Old Republic. Un impressionnant trailer présenté par Bioware dans le cadre de l’E3 2010 pour leur prochain jeu « Star Wars The Old Republic ». Plus de 5 minutes d’images de synthèses, à découvrir en vidéo et images dans la suite de l’article. Une sortie prévue pour le printemps 2011.