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Visual. Finance. Development. Language. Print. Files Support. Manipulation. Communication. Web. How Accessible is Your Website? 8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’ Designing a website that’s as much successful as it is effective takes time, skills, and a lot of testing.

How Accessible is Your Website? 8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’

Normally, when we’re talking about web design and we hear the word testing, the first thing that comes to mind is usability, and that’s fine, but when was the last time you sat down to analyze the level of accessibility of your website? Testing on other aspects of your website are important, however, a lot of us seem to neglect our websites accessibility. This can ultimately lead to the loss of a wide range of users and poor elements of design. But not to fear, below we’ve compiled a set of tools that will help you combat poor accessibility. Every tool is free to use and has been chosen because it’s easy to use and offers quality testing.