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How the Beach is Like a Videogame. Night Terrors - Augmented Reality Survival Horror. Pitch n°2: un ciel lumineux. Super Mario Bros. Crossover. Showcase Of Game Sites Design - 37 Examples. Game sites’ design is not what you have been use to seeing usually in the weekly articles, they are something totally different. Some might say that they are a little bit outdated technologically speaking, considering that they’re not using HTML5 or CSS3, or barely using serious CSS functions.

However, these sites have to achieve certain goals and that is to make people buy the game offering information about it, trailers, news, gameplay info, requirements info and to have a small community where the gamers discuss their game issues. There is also the option to buy the game directly from the site. Simple as that. Of course, these elements have to be arranged in a theme which is similar to the one that the game has, thus the big background images or complicated designs, with extremely graphical buttons.

Might And Magic Star Wars: The Old Republic Mass Effect 3 Modern Warfare 3 Football Manager 2012 Need for Speed: The Run. Bits: Bastion Narrator Invades Other Games. The World Is Saved: Gamer Music Video. Play Steamlands. Play Mr Runner 2. Play Dude and Zombies. THIS IS HOW POKEMON SHOULD BE‬‏ Goldfish - We Come Together (OFFICIAL)‬‏ A Little Bit World. From Beyond. Game Deaths. Video Game Reunion Trailer. Play endeavor. Play Lucky Tower. 30 Cool Game Cover Designs. A game cover is basically designed to attract the consumers in purchasing the game that is why it is carefully designed like that of a movie poster.

30 Cool Game Cover Designs

The screenshots and graphics put on the cover have to be aesthetically pleasing for the game to be played and bought. Game covers are important in marketing purposes as most of the game lovers who preferred to have their own boxed copy of games sat on their shelf love to see the game first through its cover before buying it. Try to check at what we have gathered for you. .. Here we present 30 Cool Games Cover Designs of the latest games released. Play Tetravalanche. Battle Shift. Play Monster Slayers. Showcase of 62 Superb Game Websites. Game websites are often under looked and not seen as good source of web design.

Showcase of 62 Superb Game Websites

Game websites combine all the different aspects of designing websites to induce interest to visitors. Gaming has matured as one of the biggest industry in the world and it has become essential for game publishers to use of the greatest medium, the Internet, to get as many gamers to buy their games or consoles as they can. So, they have to make exceptionally appealing websites to give information about the game and draw attention. Most of the websites are composed using Flash because of all the vast and flashy effects that it can create.

Play Robot Wants Ice Cream. My First Quantum Trans. Une explication du système S.M.A.R.T de Brink en vidéo ! « KissMyGeek, plus sexy que ta copine virtuelle ! Give Up, Robot. LIMBO. Video Game Songs With Lyrics. If Video Games Were Real. The Video Games of Today Reimagined in 8 and 16 Bits. Today’s games are great, but they just don’t carry the same immeasurable nostalgic value as, say, Chrono Trigger, Link’s Awakening, or even Number Crunchers. Now Stockholm-based pixel artist Junkboy has hypothesized for Swedish magazine Level what it might have looked like had contemporary games—Arkham Asylum, Bioshock, Guitar Hero, Little Big Planet, Red Dead Redemption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Soul Calibur, and more—existed in the golden age of 8- and 16-bit gaming. Of course, several of these games indeed had low-bit predecessors! Compare the full series of “demake” images to their modern originals, below.

60+ Attractive PS3 Game Covers. Attractive, visually appealing cover is probably one of the foremost step for a PS3 game company to persuade gamer for another good sale.

60+ Attractive PS3 Game Covers

Thus, the company must be putting a lot of effort in working their designers to create the most attractive and promising cover for their product. That’s why we grab a chance of a post to showcase 63 purely attractive PS3 game covers for you to get inspired, and who knows, you might grab yourself a copy! Aliens vs Predator Nicely designed game cover with appealing color scheme and absolutely different typefaces to distinguish 2 unique species.

Character portrait is very nice that it evokes you a will to discover the story inside the game. Alpha Protocol. Mortal Kombat ? Non, de l’art musical ! Play Epic War 4. Play ACTION TURNIP!!! If Games Had Super-Easy Mode - CollegeHumor video. Coma. The Pirata Boat Race. Une nouvelle expérience de jeu avec Pirata Boat Race qui fonctionne grâce à un QR code et à l’accéléromètre intégré : l’objectif est de propulser votre bateau à la ligne d’arrivée, en utilisant votre iPhone comme rames.

The Pirata Boat Race

Une participation possible jusqu’à 10 personnes sur 2 navires. Ninja Run on Kongregate. 33 Inspiring Examples of Game Websites. Today, more and more games are being created.

33 Inspiring Examples of Game Websites

Each getting better and better when it comes graphical designs and also to the gameplay itself. As these games advance, so as their respective official websites. Play Doodle God. 35 Dazzling Examples Of Video Game Concept Art. Play ImmorTall. PIXELS by PATRICK JEAN. - une vidéo Art et Création. Tremerz. Round 6. Play Cursed Treasure: Don't Touch My Gems!, a free online game o. Play Robot Wants Puppy. Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer.

Play Robot Wants Puppy

Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Is your version of Flash current? Some old versions of Flash don't work well with our new chat application. You can go to to get the newest version. Ad blockers and browser plug ins Ad blocker programs like AdBlock Plus, proxy software and a variety of other browser add-ons can prevent users from connecting to chat.

Try again in a few minutes Sometimes the internet is just not happy. NIKE SPORTSWEAR: NSW+FBGT. Truckers Delight, après le clip le jeu sur iPhone ! « KissMyGeek. Sprocket Rocket. MAINTENANCE. The Bug. Voici le travail de thèse de l’artiste Yongsub Song, à la School of Visual Arts de Manhattan.

The Bug

Une vidéo d’animation 3D très bien exécutée et un tour d’horizon de plusieurs personnages de jeux-vidéos. Une musique originale d’Opiuo. A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite. Loved. Play Chaos Faction 2. Check your security settings Connection issues are typically caused by security settings on your network or computer.

Play Chaos Faction 2

Check that your firewall or router has port 5222 open and allowing traffic. If you are on a school or office network, you may need to contact your network administrator to make the necessary changes. Kirby's Epic Yarn - E3 2010 - WII TRAILER.