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Operation White Widow (2011) MORTYS. 3D Art Made of Clay. Spanish artist Irma Gruenholz creates unique three-dimensional illustrations out of plasticine modelling clay. Once the clay sculpture is finished, it is photographed and delivered in high resolution format to be used in books, magazines, and advertising. Blik. Hot Wheels Secret Race Battle - 3D projection mapping in Sydney. The Saga Of Biorn. The External World. Ten Awesome 3D Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials. Axsotic - souris 3D. La Axsotic est une souris 3D qui se veut destinée aux pros. Cette souris 3D est basée sur le principe de la track ball. Une bille mobile se trouve entre une série de capteurs et c’est en faisant tourner cette bille qu’on contrôle le déplacement. Là où la Axsotic se démarque des autres souris 3D c’est justement sur ce concept qui en fait une souris mal adaptée aux grands mouvements rapides mais en revanche d’une précision redoutable.

Mais ce n’est pas le seul point fort de la Axsotic. Son principe n’est pas de permettre de déplacer un pointeur de souris mais seulement la caméra. Clairement, c’est un outils qui semble destiné aux pros, mais je suis sur que si ces souris 3d se démocratisent, les game designer nous trouverons de superbes gameplays pour aller avec. Pour le moment, aucune annonce de date ou de prix. Kudan. 3D Molecules on the iPad. 30 Incredible 3D Robots from the Future. Humanity loves robots. Our ability to create devices that can mimic and simulate human behavior and intelligence is one that has fascinated recent generations. Whether it’s a robot designed to help on the international space station, or an army of battle droids ruling the battlefields, robots can be used for good or evil, and can be loveable icons like Wall-E, or infamous Terminators designed to assassinate select individuals.

The best way to visualize a robot, aside from building one, is to use 3D to create it. So, in this post, we’ve gathered up 30 incredible 3D robots that we might even see in the future. Naturally, some memorable robots made the list as well, including Transformers, Terminators and Wall-E. Enjoy the artworks, and please, if you like these posts, help share them. Junk by Jacob Saariaho Qiro Wave by Leo Cocca Robot Chip Reader by bergie81 Machine-Flesh by Bernardo Delgado Robot in Disguise by spybg Monkey on Your Back by Par Tingstrom The Cingularity by Mehran Khan., Le Magazine Online de la 3d Francophone. MR | | 07 HOME PAGE. MTV Dance Identity. From the hoop. Codehunters. Nintendo 3DS, 3D Games/juegos. MEET MELINE : THE 3D ANIMATED SHORT FILM (by Sebastien Laban & V. 45 Humorous Examples of 3D CG Creatures Artworks. Apr 12 2010 Here is a funny collection of some interesting, beautiful and well-designed 3D CG Creatures Artworks.

Although we have already posted some articles on computer graphics, this post is unique and original. In this post, we have compiled a list of CG Creatures Artworks that are very attention-grabbing and just nice to look at. Let’s have a look at these artworks in detail. Humorous 3D CG Creatures Artworks Yaroslav Primachenko Grainderiz Damien Canderle Banana Davy Jones Tree Spirit Midnight Swim Slonenok Mr Squouc The shaved bumblebee Light Bug Kangamolerat Bunny Beam me up Scotty Martian Mosquito Candle Turtle and hase Grand touring Monstreusien – Cold Meat Lobo mal Magic Fluff Pardon me Priceless Friends Jeeves Thumb up, my other pet Flower Garden White Teeth Evileye JoBeSu March Hare Sea Life Carrot Run Hunted Hunter A zombie in the closet Yozhyk Dinomonsters Gal FOTD Ugly Duckling Le Rabbit Dodo Bird Panda Pavlin No More Wine!

Dont Feed the Plant Comments and Discussions. Inspiration: Amazing 3D Typography. Three-dimensional typography is something we've seen a lot of recently, and it doesn't seem to be dying down, either. This post showcases a huge collection of 3D typography, and we have no doubt whatsoever that it is going inspire! So, how is this magnificent typography produced? There are actually a handful of ways, and the correct piece of software is chosen depending on what look you want to go for. 3D editing software such as Maya or Cinema 4D is used to create rendered shapes, making your typography look like each shape is a real life object, such as the first two examples below. Adobe software, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, can also be used to create 3D typography, using various different tools and techniques. This option usually produces a softer and more artistic/illustrated look, such as examples Question and Noony Style which can be found below. Orange 3-D(ustin) Porta Graphic Design Question Simone Chocolate Bang Typography Freelance Graphic Design Is...

Roly Freeman Dream Wallpaper.