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Privacy Icons: Alpha Release. Earlier this year, Mozilla convened a privacy workshop that brought together some of the world’s leading thinkers in online privacy.

Privacy Icons: Alpha Release

People from the FTC to the EFF were there to answer the question: What attributes of privacy policies and terms of service should people care about? This lead to a proposal presented for the W3C, among other places, which further refined the notion. We are now ready to propose an alpha version of Privacy Icons that takes into account the feedback and participation we’ve received along the way. We’ve simplified the core set dramatically and tightened up the language.

While the icons don’t touch on all topics, we do think they significantly move the discussion on privacy, as well as the general level of literacy about privacy, forward. Keep in mind that the target adopters of Privacy Icons are 2nd-tier sites—the sites where differentiation based on privacy matters to their users.

The Icons. Taxonomie des données sociales. The use of social objects as artefacts for identity management. Whuffie. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


Gauravonomics Blog For Marketers, Entrepreneurs and Activists. 6 Social Media Marketing Goals You May Be Over-Looking. During a recent re-evaluation of the social media strategy of our car dealerships I had an a-ha moment.

6 Social Media Marketing Goals You May Be Over-Looking

Maybe I already knew it, but it did not come to me in the same scope as it has at this moment. Business is Business is Social All businesses have a business goal in mind when using social media. They are putting time (money) into it, and need to get some form of business growth (money) out of it. Comment détruire votre communauté en 10 leçons. Si vous avez le malheur de développer un projet « open source » au sein de votre entreprise alors vous courrez le risque de voir arriver une « communauté » qui peut à tout moment s’agréger autour du code source de votre logiciel et en menacer sa bonne gouvernance. Heureusement le développeur Josh Berkus est là pour vous expliquer point par point comment faire pour être certain de ruiner et dissoudre toute velléité communautaire (au cours d’une intervention donnée il y a un mois à la et relatée ici par Jonathan Corbet)[1] Un article évidemment ironique (qui détourne les howto), mais qui donne à réfléchir sur les relations subtiles et complexes qui peuvent exister entre les communautés et les entreprises qui œuvrent sur un même projet.

Pas toujours facile de se comprendre en effet quand les uns disent plutôt « logiciel libre » et les autres plutôt « open source » (voire même parfois carrément « fauxopen source »). Comment détruire votre communauté : mode d’emploi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What Working for Wikipedia taught me about collaboration » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Collaboration is "messy" but you should trust the crowd because "it's smarter than you".

What Working for Wikipedia taught me about collaboration » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Sandra Ordoñez worked at Wikipedia as PR officer. She shared her experience in this post. It's all about collaboration. A little over three years ago, I started working as the communications manager for Wikipedia. I had just moved to St. At that time, Wikipedia’s internal structure did not match the widespread success and attention it was beginning to enjoy. I immediately began to review the public relations materials available to me, and almost immediately went into panic mode. Le premier magazine gratuit sur les communautés! Sortir le flux des silos. Alors que de nombreux auteurs de carnets s'étaient assuré du contrôle de leurs données en installant les logiciels nécessaires sur leur propre serveur, l'avènement du micro-blogging et la mode des flux de statuts a ramené tout le monde, geeks y compris, vers des silos : Facebook et Twitter, ou pour les intégristes.

Sortir le flux des silos

La sortie de StatusNet 0.9 il y a quelques semaines pourrait bien changer la donne, grâce à son introduction de OStatus, un protocole ouvert et décentralisé permettant d'interagir avec les statuts d'utilisateurs postés sur des serveurs dans le monde entier. Désormais, héberger des pensées, liens et autres bribes sur son propre serveur, tout en continuant la conversation avec les utilisateurs hébergés sur d'autres serveurs, devient possible.

Mozilla Contacts Releases Facebook-Integrated Version with New " Mozilla Contacts, the experimental project from the organization behind the Firefox web browser, has released a new version of their Contacts add-on which introduces Facebook integration.

Mozilla Contacts Releases Facebook-Integrated Version with New "

Previously, Mozilla Contacts allowed you to import your various address books spread out across the Web (think: multiple email accounts, Twitter friends, LinkedIn colleagues, Plaxo contacts, Mac OS X address book, etc.) into the Web browser itself - in this case, obviously, Firefox. Once there, the combined address book information could be used in form autocompletion everywhere across the Web and more. Now, an updated version of Mozilla Contacts (download link) introduces a number of new features, most notably integration with Facebook Contacts and something called a "person URL. " Account Manager coming to Firefox ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web deve. Update: The Account Manager is no longer maintained.

Account Manager coming to Firefox ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web deve

Building on this experiment, we have conceived BrowserID. Please consider using it instead. Last month Mozilla Labs announced a new concept series on online identity. As part of this exploration, we developed the Account Manager. The Account Manager makes it incredibly easy for users to create new accounts with optional randomly generated passwords, and log into and out of them with just a click.