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Abortion USA - Avortement États-Unis

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How I Learned I Was Pro-Choice by Secretly Aborting My Friend’s Baby — Human Parts. Ab0rtion. L'assassinat de George Tiller relance la question de l'activisme. Feministe » The Company You Keep. This week, anti-choice extremists are protesting at a Birmingham clinic — the same clinic that was bombed by Eric Rudolph less than a decade ago.

Feministe » The Company You Keep

They’re also targeting a clinic in Wichita, Kansas — a clinic operated by Dr. George Tiller, a man who has been shot in both arms, stalked, and threatened by “pro-life” activists. His home address is published on “pro-life” websites so that anti-choice terrorists can find him and assassinate him like long-time “pro-life” activist James Kopp did to Barnett Slepian. Unsurprisingly, Dr. Tiller wears a bullet-proof vest to work and lives in a gated community with a strong security presence. I wrote about this last week, but the protesters descended on Monday and are planning on sticking around until the 22nd, so I figure it’s worth another mention. In addition to sustaining first, second, and third degree burns covering the front of her body, Lyons lost her left eye and her right was seriously damaged.

Except that, well, they do. Rev. Wrong. Avortement aux États-Unis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Avortement aux États-Unis

L'avortement aux États-Unis fait l'objet de nombreux débats de part et d'autre du champ politique. Depuis l'arrêt Roe v. Wade de la Cour suprême, en 1973, la justice américaine fédérale considère que le droit d'une femme à l'avortement concerne le droit à la vie privée protégé par le XIVe amendement. Droit fédéral[modifier | modifier le code] Abortion in the United States. Abortion in the United States, and abortion-related issues, are the subject of intense public and political debate and discussion in the United States.

Abortion in the United States

Various anti-abortion laws had been on every state statute book since at least 1900. Abortion was prohibited in 30 states and legal under certain circumstances (such as pregnancies resulting from rape, incest, and date drug.) in 20 states. The Supreme Court 1973 decision Roe v. Wade invalidated all of these laws, and set guidelines for the availability of abortion. Abortion in France. Abortion in France is legal on demand up to 12-weeks after conception (14 weeks after the last menstrual period),[1][2] since the Veil Law in 1975.

Abortion in France

Abortions at later stages of pregnancy are allowed if two physicians certify that the abortion will be done to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman; a risk to the life of the pregnant woman; or that the child will suffer from a particularly severe illness recognized as incurable. In the Middle Ages abortion was considered a cardinal sin.[3] Abortion had been criminalized in France with the imposition of the Napoleonic Code. Roe v. Wade. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Droits de l'homme aux États-Unis. Droits de l'homme aux États-Unis. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Droits de l'homme aux États-Unis

Le sujet des droits de l'homme aux États-Unis est controversé et complexe. Historiquement, les États-Unis sont attachés au principe de liberté et ont accueilli de nombreux réfugiés économiques et politiques en périodes de troubles. Ils ont un appareil judiciaire puissant et indépendant et une constitution qui sépare les pouvoirs pour prévenir la tyrannie. Candidat à la direction de la CIA, Leon Panetta promet d'en fini. Le directeur de la CIA promet l'abandon des pratiques controvers. Abortion in the United States. Abortion data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute. Abortion Sponsored link.

Abortion data from the Alan Guttmacher Institute

Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) abortion data: The AGI is a non-profit group which was founded in 1968 by Alan F. Guttmacher (1898-1974). At the time, he was president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an author and a leader in reproductive rights. The AGI supplies information that is more current than the data from the the Division of Reproductive Health of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Data from the Institute's 2005-MAY report: Their report issued on 2005-MAY-19 was based on 2001 & 2002 data. This compares with a rise in the number of abortions in the UK from 181,600 in 2003 to a record high of 185,400 in 2004 -- a 2% increase. Pregnancy outcomes by state for 2001: "Each year, six million of the 60 million American women of childbearing age (15-44) become pregnant. 63% of these pregnancies result in live births and 22% in abortions; the remainder end in miscarriage. " Emergency Contraception ("Morning After Pill") EC (emergency contraception) medication, if taken shortly after unprotected sexual intercourse, will generally prevent a pregnancy from starting.

Emergency Contraception ("Morning After Pill")

However, some pharmacies refuse to stock this medication and some individual pharmacists refuse to dispense it because of the owner's or pharmacist's personal moral or religious beliefs. The Roman Catholic document Dignitas Personae, issued in late 2008, considers EC to fall "within the sin of abortion. " The page cannot be found. What Happens When There Is No Plan B? The conservative politics of the Bush administration forced me to have an abortion I didn't want.

What Happens When There Is No Plan B?

Well, not literally, but let me explain. I am a 42-year-old happily married mother of two elementary-schoolers. My husband and I both work, and like many couples, we're starved for time together. One Thursday evening this past March, we managed to snag some rare couple time and, in a sudden rush of passion, I failed to insert my diaphragm. The next morning, after getting my kids off to school, I called my ob/gyn to get a prescription for Plan B, the emergency contraceptive pill that can prevent a pregnancy -- but only if taken within 72 hours of intercourse. The receptionist, however, informed me that my doctor did not prescribe Plan B. But I needed to meet my kids' school bus and, as I was pretty much out of options -- short of soliciting random Virginia doctors out of the phone book -- I figured I'd take my chances and hope for the best. I felt sick. Plan B. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Plan B may refer to: Medicine[edit] Plan B, a brand name of levonorgestrel, an emergency contraception drug People[edit] Film and television[edit]

Plan B

Emergency contraception. Emergency contraception (EC), or emergency postcoital contraception, are birth control measures that, if taken after sexual intercourse, may prevent pregnancy. Forms of EC include: Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)—sometimes simply referred to as emergency contraceptives (ECs) or the "morning-after pill"—are drugs intended to disrupt or delay ovulation or fertilization, which are necessary for pregnancy (contraceptives).[1][2][3]Intrauterine devices (IUDs)—usually used as a primary contraceptive method, but sometimes used as emergency contraception.[3] Le nouveau visage de la droite américaine. Médecin assassiné: vives réactions aux États-Unis. Le président Obama a vivement condamné le crime haineux.

«Je suis choqué et dégoûté par le meurtre du Dr George Tiller, survenu alors qu'il était à l'église, dimanche matin. Peu importe les différences au sujet de l'avortement, on ne peut rien résoudre en ayant recours à des actes de violence.» Les groupes anti-avortement ont dénoncé le meurtre, mais ont appelé du même souffle les militants pro-vie à ne pas cesser de dénoncer les médecins qui pratiquent les avortements. Le fondateur du groupe Operation Rescue, Randall Terry, a dit que le tueur avait commis un «acte lâche et déplorable».

Il a ajouté que le Dr Tiller était «un meurtrier en série qui a récolté ce qu'il avait semé». La clinique du Dr. George Tiller va fermer. Au Kansas, un médecin pro-IVG abattu à l’église.