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How to upgrade Zen theme from 6.2 to 7.3. Backing up a site. General backup best practices Always back up the entire site before updating or upgrading. (It is also a good idea before migrating, copying, moving, or replacing.)Date your backups. Save each one into a directory or file with a title that includes the date of the backup. You do not want to be guessing which backup is the most recent one when you are trying to recover your failed site.

Panic is not conducive to a good recovery process.Save a copy of each backup in a different location than your webserver. Remember, if data doesn't exist in three places, it doesn't exist at all. Specific backup strategy Backing up a Drupal site involves backing up both the site's database and its files. Backing up the database Backing up and restoring a MySQL database using the command line is covered in the MySQL Reference Manual, in the section on Backup and Recovery. Backups can also be performed with a graphical utility such as PHPmyAdmin. Another alternative solution is to use a module. Drupal 7 UPGRADE.TXT. Upgrading from Drupal 6 to 7. Before you continue reading, we need to define the difference between upgrading and updating: Upgrading refers to moving from one major release to another, e.g. you are moving from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.Updating typically refers to bringing your site up to the latest minor version of Drupal, e.g. such as updating from Drupal 7.12 to Drupal 7.14.

For information on updating your Drupal site see: Upgrading your Drupal installation The process of upgrading to the latest version of Drupal can vary in difficulty depending on the complexity of your current installation. This guide aims to help you plan for and complete a successful upgrade regardless of the size or complexity of your current site. Any Drupal upgrade has four general steps: Planning, Preparing your current site for upgrade, Upgrading, and Testing. Before you begin reading this guide, please make note of the following. Upgrading Between Versions Backing Up Your Existing Site Support Resources. 7.8.